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The last thing was the memories of me and you

"They're not going to do it," Mark lowered himself in his seat. Lucas was practically hanging over Mark's body to get a better view. The two couldn't take their eyes off of Taeyong's silver Kia. Jungwoo and Kun neared the vehicle which made Lucas stand on the edge of his seat in anticipation. "They're not going to fucking do it."

"Shh!" Lucas spat while clamping a hand over Mark's mouth.

Kun stood around the corner of the nice sized house. His eyes stared deeply into the bedroom window seeing at it was open and Taeyong was with his usual group of friends. By the looks of it they were laughing hard enough to be high or in the midst of getting there. Kun stuck a thumbs up right when Taeyong got up to go to the restroom.

That's when Jungwoo did his dirty work. In large strides, he used his home key to gash the paint right off Taeyong's fresh ride. Lucas tried his best to hold in his laughter as he watched the scene unfold before him. As for Mark, he was too busy watching his best friend laugh hysterically before him to pay attention to what Jungwoo was doing.

Lucas looked at Mark, not really caring if he laughed or not, then pulled him into a hug. "Isn't Jungwoo great?" He mutters into Mark's shirt. Although his face proved otherwise, Mark nodded. "I kind of want to do it too? I mean, why do they get to do all the fun?"

"Because knowing Taeyong, he would let them off easier than he would you. He can't even know we are associated with this or you and I would be the next dead fools known to man."

Lucas sat back in his seat the moment he saw Kun running over to open the door for Jungwoo. "Hurry up!" he whispered loudly practically pushing Jungwoo into the back seat.

Lucas turned around in his seat to the two boys who were out of breath and sucking in large amounts of oxygen. "Did you write anything specific? I couldn't see clearly from this angle."

Mark stomps on his gas making Lucas fly to the backseat. Jungwoo and Kun do their best to catch him so he wouldn't hurt himself. Although Lucas' arm cracked a little due to the position he fell in, the noise only made everyone in the car laugh harder.

Jungwoo helped him settle in the backseat before answering his question. "You know, since he loves his name so much," Jungwoo shrugged it off making Kun push him to the side.

"Where are you guys going?" Kun pulled himself closer to Mark in order for him to hear him better. "We should go get Sasung."

"No, I'm taking you all back to the mall so Lucas and I can continue our weekend. It was fun that you all ruined a kids car as if it made you any less of a bully than he is." Jungwoo coughed to prevent from laughing but he eventually ended up laughing over his cough. "And you think everything is so damn funny," Mark peers at him through the rearview mirror.

"Funny? The second I met you it's like you had some sort of grudge against me. I didn't do anything to you, Mark, but try and be a friend." Jungwoo rolled his eyes as Mark scoffed.

The younger boys driving habits were getting uneasy again. "Eyes on the road Mark. Jungwoo, no need to argue. The keying his car thing was pretty cool." Lucas did his best to settle the conversation. Kun just got comfortable in the middle trying to avoid confrontation.

Jungwoo clapped his hands as if someone put on a great show, in this case, it was him. "I know it was great. Mark here didn't have the balls to do it, maybe that's why he's bitter." Lucas glared at Jungwoo hoping his irritated face would make him close his mouth, but Jungwoo wasn't paying attention to the boy. "He's so worried I'll steal his best friend that he's shaking in his jeans."

Lucas couldn't believe Jungwoo was acting like this. For as long as he's known the boy, he knew Jungwoo never let his anger get the best of him. Right now it was like a completely opposite side of the older has come out and he wasn't taking any more of the shady remarks.

Neither was Mark. "Worried? There is nothing you can do to even bother me, Jungwoo. You come out the nowhere thinking you are making such an impact. That is what you did. That is what is wrong with you!" Jungwoo stuck his tongue out to Mark who shot lasers of fire through his eyes as he frowned to Jungwoo.

"Mark!" Lucas screeched as the car in front of them neared at dramatic speeds from stomping on their breaks.

Mark was at such a loss he couldn't break the car faster enough as their front collided with the green car's rear. The younger driver couldn't take in a gasp of air before the airbags discharged in front of him knocking what little air that was in his lungs smooth out. It seemed like the sound of never-ending glass hitting the asphalt and tires burning rubber went on forever. The green car was thrown sideways causing Mark's car to keep moving since he was drifting in and out of consciousness and his foot never left the gas.

Lucas' eyes couldn't close as he saw his death in front of him. The pole to the stop light reflected a glimpse of the sun making his eyes shut tightly and the feeling of his face smashed against leather followed after. The last thing heard was the bursting of glass and the painful scream of a male. Lucas was officially blacked out.

[A/N] Okay... I'm sorry.
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