Part Thirty-One

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Regina's eyes blow wide from the name, with far too many images flashing of her father in her mind, a time when he wasn't sick and he was actually the Henry she knew and loved. She redirects her attention to her girlfriend, who is sporting a sympathetic frown and the blonde mouths, "I know," and sighs heavily while Regina bites back her tears and watery smile.

"He's super cute," Regina acknowledges, mindlessly brushing his long brown hair out of his eyes and deciding not to dwell on the fact that this little boy shares the same name as her late father. "I would have guessed our midnight crier was much younger. Do you know how old he is?"

"No, the mom didn't say," her girlfriend frowns, tilting her head to the side to assess their visitor. "Henry, do you know how old you are?" Emma questions in the sweetest voice Regina has ever heard her mutter.

The little boy stares at Emma as if she unexpectedly sprouted another head. His dark green eyes shift down to Emma's lap, where he pauses for a moment before he leans down and rips the stuffed animal from her hands. The adorable baby laughs while shaking the monkey in Emma's face again, distracting her from whatever she is asking him.

"Mo-keeee!" He squeals inspiring Regina and Emma to both smile in return.

"Yes, mon-key," Emma says slowly for Henry to mimic her again.


"Good job, kid." Emma compliments, ruffling his wild hair with a proud smile gracing her face.

"Do we know when the mom will be back?" Regina curiously questions as she gently eases the monkey from Henry's hands.

She attacks the toddler's face with the stuffed animal while creating adorable kissing noises, eliciting a fit of giggles to burst from the small child.

"She said ten," Emma shrugs like she doesn't believe the words tumbling from her own damn mouth.

"How long has he been here?"

"Since three-thirty. She must have seen me coming home from work."

Regina nods and hands the toy back to Henry before she checks her watch and notes that it's almost seven already.

"Did you two eat dinner?" She inquires as she glances at their kitchen to spot any sort of mess that her girlfriend may have left behind, per usual Emma Swan fashion.

"No, I just...I was nervous to do anything, but interact with him. I don't know him and I'm thinking he's around two years old..." she trails off while staring intently and examining every detail of his chubby little face.

"It's alright, how about I whip us up some grilled cheese sandwiches? Children like grilled cheese," she says with a teasing wink, knowing it's her girlfriend's favorite thing to eat.

She pushes herself off the ground as Emma quickly follows her lead. "HA-HA, very funny," she sarcastically replies while leaning down to scoop up the toddler. Emma rests him on her hip, like it's the most natural thing she has ever done and follows Regina into the kitchen. "I hope he eats...I gave him a bunch of Goldfish earlier."

"It's a good thing you still eat like a child, dear."

"Don't act like you don't sneak those Goldfish when you think I'm not looking," Emma quips, inspiring both of them to laugh at the truth.

Regina begins preparing the food while Emma and Henry stand beside her, watching. Every so often, she sneaks little glances at her girlfriend with the toddler resting on her hip and heart flutters while her mind dreams about what it will be like when they have children of their own. Of course, they are young and have their whole lives ahead of them, but there's nothing wrong with wondering about the future. They have already discussed having children and they agreed marriage and babies after Regina graduates from law's just...Emma looks so natural...and happy with a baby on her hip.

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