"What 'bad past'?" Mrs. Santos now looked frightened. She didn't have any idea what was going on in Jason's love life. Or the pain he'd caused the other people in his life. "My boy is a good boy, I don't see what he could have done to upset you." 

"Jason Santos does a lot of things to upset a lot of people, anyone would know that if they'd actually paid any attention to him." Hanna told her, raising an eyebrow. "Do you know Jason's ex-girlfriend? Sophia Baker?" 

"Ex-girlfriend? I don't know who Jason's first kiss was."  Mrs. Santos was now very worried, and ready to call Jason from his bedroom, make him fess up. "Please pick up the speed." 

          "Jason and Sophia dated for ten weeks. They broke up because he tried to rape her. At least that's what she told Hanna. My best friend is Peter Canon, he lives near Jason. He saved Sophia from Jason. Peter and Soph entered into a relationship, but we don't need to talk about that." Christina looked down. "Anyways, that is the bad past. Your son needs help. Maybe a little beating from Hanna, too." she chuckled and Hanna smacked her, laughing.  

          Joselyn and Jordan quietly peeked into Peter's room, only to see him sprawled around on the bed, covers all over him. Jordan let out a laugh, but was silenced by his mother's hand. Jordan tip toed over to Peter, and in the moment, pulled all the bedsheets off. His eyes widened, and Joselyn clasped her hand overs his eyes and turned them around. 

"Peter Eugene Canon, why the hell are you sleeping naked?" Joselyn had anger burning in her veins as she clutched Jordan to her. "Jord, I want you to go to your room. Do not look at your brother. This is not something you need to do when you're older, got it?" Jordan slowly nodded as Joselyn let go of him, and he ran out. 

"Mom, you can look now." Peter told her, a pair of boxers now on. Joselyn widened her eyes, and crossed her arms. As she tapped her foot furiously, she inhaled deeply. "I'm sorry, okay? I was... I had a rough night. I stripped everything off and dipped into bed. I wasn't thinking, I guess. It's harmless, okay? What do you want anyway?"

"Pete, seriously. You have a brother, he can't be scarred for life. He's just a boy." she shook her finger at him. 

"Okay, okay." he rolled his eyes. "Mom?" 


"I think... I have to apologize to Sophia. I completely lashed out on her when I saw a status on her page." Peter held his head in his hands and sighed deeply. 

"What did the status say, son?" Joselyn started to pick up clothes on the floor and sort them into his drawers. Peter had to think long and hard, whether or not he should be discussing this with his mother. 

"It said 'happy one month anniversary'. I completely flipped, I should have known Sophia would never cheat on me. I was so blinded by my hatred for Chaz, and a lie. I forgot the real picture. But I do love Sophia. I think I'm going to ask her out. I'm not going to lose her again." Peter took a deep breath, and slipped a tee shirt on. "Mom, I'm going to head over her house right now."

          Jamie turned her head to the sound of the doorbell. She continued brushing her teeth as she walked into the kitchen,

"Come in." she vaguely called out, and then spit in the sink. As Peter slipped inside, he closed the door behind him and waited there. Jamie turned, and scowled at him.  "What the hell are you doing here, jackass?" 

"I want to talk to Sophia." Peter looked down, and shoved his hands into his pockets. It wasn't normal of Jamie to cuss at him. She must be really mad. 

"She's out with Chaz by the dock. He wanted to take her somewhere special for their date, so they're going to this fancy, new restaurant." she shrugged and plopped herself down on the couch, scooting over when Peter sat down next to her. "Do you still... love Sophia?"

"Yeah," he scoffed. "I actually came over here, to see if she'd give me another chance. Another chance to prove myself to her." he shrugged, "Why are they even on a date in the early morning? It makes no sense." 

"Apparently Chaz is that kind of guy. Pete, you know I don't like yelling at you, but you really hurt Sophia, and she is my best friend." Jamie shed a tear. "I don't want to see her hurt. If you really love her, fight for her. Sure, maybe Chaz is standing in the way, but don't give up. All Sophia has ever wanted in a relationship is for someone to want her back, to fight for her. You need to be that guy for her, Pete. Girls put up walls after they've been hurt. We always just wait... just wait, for that one person who cares to tear those walls down." Jamie stood up, leaving the living room and walking back into her bedroom. 

          Peter sat long and hard. On that pink fluffy couch. He must have sat there for hours, because Sophia and Chaz finally walked through the door, looking totally confused as to why he was there. Peter quickly stood, his hands in his pockets. 

"Pete... why are you here?" Sophia set down her bag and walked towards him, raising her eyebrows angrily without Chaz seeing. 

"I need to talk to you alone." Peter eyed Chaz, who went into the other room. "Sophia, I've been wanting to tell you this for a really long time. When I saw that status, I got so blinded. I didn't mean to... to lash out on you, because I love you, Sophia." Peter held both of her arms. 

"Peter Canon, I just came back from a date, can't you see? I'm with Chaz no-"

"No, you can't be, Soph. One date doesn't mean you're dating. Just give me another chance, I promise I'll make you feel loved. I'd fight for you. You're worth it. I need you with every fiber of my body." Peter looked down on her, but she pushed him away. 

"No, Pete. I just- I can't." she sighed and walked over to the hallway. "I'm going to take a nap. I'm sorry." she went into her bedroom, and slammed the door. 

"I heard the noise. You're down in the dumps, huh? Let me grab a drink. What do you want, beer? Wine?" Jamie pulled out a wine bottle and glass. 

"Grab me a beer." Peter scoffed. Jamie came over, giving him a beer bottle and pouring herself a glass of wine. 

"To misery." 


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