Chapter 22- Yes

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Natalie POV:

"Natalie Manning I cannot imagine my life without you. Will you marry me?" He asks.

"Yes! A million times yes!" I scream before giving him a big hug.

He stands up and gives me a large kiss. I kiss him back and wrap my arms around his shoulders.

We only break apart a few minutes later so we can breathe. I smile before leaning in to kiss him again. I've never been more happy in my life. I can finally call Will Halstead, the love of my life, my fiancée.

"Wha....?" I hear Maggie say from the doorway, "WAIT ARE YOU CANCER FREE?!"

I quickly pull away from Will and stare at Maggie. Did she really have to interrupt us? Well, I guess it's pretty hard to not be interrupted in a hospital. Especially with nurses, and doctors popping in every few minutes to make sure you're still breathing.

"No, not yet. But I am engaged, so I mean that's almost as good, right?" I say jokingly.

"Oh my gosh Natalie that's amazing! And right now I'll take it over being cancer free. But that better be the next surprise I walk into."

Of course it does. I'll try, I really will, but honestly no promises.

"It will be, I promise."

She gives me a big hug before her pager goes off.

"Ugh, I'll be back. Congrats you two." She says before running back to the ED.

"And, I'm really sorry to interrupt this but we need to get you admitted." Dr. Hansen interrupts.

Why did she feel the need to interrupt us?


I wake up the next morning snuggled into Will's side. I slowly open my eyes and see him watching me, smiling.


"Hey Nat. How're you feeling?"

"Good, I guess. What were you doing?"

"You look so cute when you're asleep." He says before giving me another kiss.

Right when he pulls away for air Dr. Hansen walks in.

"Ah, Dr. Manning. You're awake, you ready to start chemo?" She asks while setting up the chemo.

"Well, I guess I don't have a choice, do I?"

"I mean you always have a choice, you know that. But without this you won't ever be cancer free."

"Yeah, I know, I just meant I didn't have a choice to do it right now."

"Well, unfortunately, you do not have a choice on that matter. Let's get started." She says before she starts hooking me up to the chemo.

It takes her a while to hook up all the different bags, and make sure that they're the right ones. But, once it's all hooked up, she makes sure it is properly flowing into my body. When she's finally satisfied she places the trash can next to my bed, already knowing what will happen in a few hours. She hands me a bottle of water, tells me to hydrate, and leaves.

5 hours of this. I can do it. Right?


AN: I hope you guys enjoyed that chapter! I will try and make the next one longer, and I'll try and update next week. Have a great day/night! 😘

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