Chapter 19

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(Repaers POV)

I moved through the crowd swiftly Killing any monster who dared to face off with me, I smirked making my way to the cells They where not ready at all A monster Coward in fear as a vampire hit his fight button and Killed the shaking monster with one hit, This seems to easy though Running faster I dodged attacks easily Dancing around them to avid each hit. I made it to what i presumed to be the cells and Ran in Geno Looked up a grin on his face My soul pounded when i saw him I shook it off thinking it was from running and Picked the lock He imidiently hugged me "Oh my gosh!" was all he said I wriggled out of his hug and Picked the other locks They all cheered "get out of hear now take the children and head back we will finish off hear." they all nodded running with the children and elders out Only geno remained and was about to leave I grabbed his wrist "Oh no your staying with me im not making the same mistake twice" he looked at his wrist then up at me and nodded switching to hold my hand "Lets go then".

The monsters were trying to flee Yes if we can take the castle and find the king it will be- a sharp pain jolted through my body and I looked back and saw none other then the king step in the room a guard had shot me In the shoulder with a stake. I hissed in pain and anger Geno gasped and stumbled back trying to take me with him everyone froze and stopped fighting and with one swift click of his fingers my jaw hung open and the wall crashed reviling multiple beasts.

It was the king. He was the one who made these creations.

The beast Pinned me down I couldn't see were geno was More guards flooded in the room capturing us and tieing us down I struggled and a guard tied my hands behind my back I kicked and squirmed but it was no use.

I coudnt really register what was happening. One moment I was In that room next thing i know Im  in front of the kings throne monsters looking horrified and angry at us. My mind was blank it all seemed like a weird dream I looked to the side Geno was droopy and staring at the ground blankly,Realization hit they must have drugged us flash backs acurred

I kicked "YOUR NEVER GONNA GET AWAY WITH THIS!" i yelled not admitting defeat,the king walked forward a smirk plastered on his face "Oh Reaper I think i already have." i saw the flash of a needle as he pushed it in my neck.

Flash back end.

I blinked tiredly I wanted this all to go away My head hurt my soul hurt,I looked up through my hood that some how remained on,"Have you come to your senses yet reaper?" he asked smugly I blinked to weak to speak my legs felt like jelly i glared,"Reaper You lead the vampires correct?" i nodded and glanced to the other side the vampires staring at me they caught the one who we tried to free i felt a stab at my soul we where defeated.. the king chuckled making my attention draw back to him,"i got to admit,You nearly had us.IF it wasn't for my project you would have taken over. he said standing up now and facing me.he stared at me briefly "So Ruler of the vampires To admit defeat I want you to bow before i kill you." he said coldly I shook my head focused on the ground still drugged,he growled "You Will bow before me vampire." he spat i looked at him in the eyes "No." he punched my face and I fell to my knees the punch was hard and i spat out my own blood "Guards Teach him a lesson and then we will see if he bows." i looked up to see Guards walking forward and Genos Horrified face. 

I coughed just managing to hold my self up with my hand everything hurt I new if i dont surrender now i will surly die. I looked up The only way to heal quickly and to get rid of this much damage was for a vampire to drink someones blood. Lock them all up Ill give him a hour and we will see if he dies and if he dosnt." he dry laughed "We will try agin to see if he surrenders.

They dragged me in and threw me in to a cell with geno he stumbled over to me and grabbed my face "Reaper! oh my gosh Im so sorry If you never came if i used my powers i-" i hushed him "It was not your fault." i said he shook his head "it is Reaper! this never would have happens if." i rolled my eyes and Just Kissed him to keep quite none of the others were near us,We where kept far away because we were important. Geno kissed back after getting over the shock I pulled away Wiping his blood from my mouth even though I need it right now,I looked down "geno If i dont drink someones blood i will die." i said quietly "so i die, i-i wanted you to know i love you and-" drink mine." he said flatly I looked at him "W-what?" he inhaled a deep breath "drink ,mine I cant let you die especially If i know I can do something Me and you can Defeat them i know we can we just need you back to full health. I looked at him Searching his eyes for something,"Reaper I love you to,took me a while to Realize it but i really do. Please let me do this for you." he said concern in his eyes. I sighed "Okay. but are you positive." he nodded "This will probably hurt a lot." 'have you seen me reaper i walk around with a slash wound on my chest i think i can handle it" i laughed weakly My hands shaking as i felt my health depleting. I shuffled over "Im

 really sorry." he shrugged and flashed me a smile "Dont be."

(Dont worry Im not gonna kill Reaper off again XD he lived to tell another tale! also its like 2:25am so sorry if there spelling mistakes im pretty tired. )

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