Jaune knew that NOBLE team meant a lot to him so he said.

Jaune: Jorge, your not leaving NOBLE. They wouldn't want you to be like that. They would want you to continue to fight and carry on for NOBLE team will be in your heart.

Jorge: Thanks Jaune,you're right. Besides Mendez always said adapt and win.

They laugh about the good old times and talked about ways if getting back to the UNSC. Though they needed to wait a few days for Exubery to talk to them.

A few days later

The time has come to take a look in their new MJOLNIR armor with the symbol of Blue team. Now that Exubery stated that it is now in our with the level 24 combat skin. Now it has thrusters and along with new upgrades. Like the shield strength has increased by 6x and it can be charged faster and is emp harden. It also increased their stats by 3x.A new power reactor has been built that uses plasma core. Then thrusters work like jet pack but allow the Spartan the more maneuverable in the air.  Then new metal alloy in the armor is more dense and provides more protection and makes the armor lighter allowing the Spartan to move more freely. The armor can all activate armor enhances like more speed and strength along with a overshield. Their huds are also upgraded with more updated software and a new AI slot and now it includes Heat vison,Night Vision and Promethean Vision. Also they carry a hardlight shield.In the gauntlets there is a plasma blade that can be taken our in case if they are in a close quarters situations.Their undersuits are now made of a strong and flexible materials and can regulate temperature and conditions of the body. Cortana has receive her upgrades like longer life span, faster processor and more advance programs to be able to get into any system easily.

Jaune: This armor rocks Exubery.

Exubery: Why thank you reclaimer.

Cortana: Yes its a huge improvement for you all. Also it's so nice to see you Kelly and Jorge.

Kelly: Likewise Cortana.

Jorge: Yep at least you got into safe hands.

Cortana: I don't count Jaune "safe". This caveman uses action instead of using that nogging of his.

Jaune just sighs as Kelly laugh along with the others.

Jaune: Well Cortana most of your plans mostly are crazy. Also they ends us in a few crazy situations.

Cortana: I like crazy.

Jaune: Welcome to my world.

Cortana pouts as the Spartans laugh and wait for the frigate to be repaired.

3 months later.

Exubery has told the Spartans that the Ship has been repaired and complete. The Dawn was there in its full glory. Jaune looked at it and remember Miranda Keyes who was the leader of the ship. She was one who has the balls to do what other officers wouldn't do. He respected her like her father Jacob Keyes a military genius who inspired Jaune to be a great leader. Even though the Flood got to him. He never let them get vital Intel. He died fighting for the UNSC with Undying loyalty to it and for his daughter. The ship has received a energy shield and inside it all looked the same except for the armory which now is filled with UNSC, Covenant, Brute and a lot of unknown weapons. Which Exubery filled them in which is forerunner weapons. They saw a new munitions production plant and there were sentinels and constructors also Haragok. When they got into the medical wing they saw that there were new machines and equipment. Then Exubery stated that they need to take a Syringe that has a new nanobots that can increase their strength,speed,reflexes,brain processing by 2x. Also the nanobots main function is to be a aid to heal the Spartan from anything from a scratch to a death dealing injuries. They gave their thank to Exubery and went on their way out. Once they got in the bridge Jaune sat in the captains seat and said.

Jaune: Cortana take us home.

Cortana: Aye aye Chief.

She opens a portal and as they got in trouble soon followed.

Cortana: Uh Jaune we got a situation?

Jaune: What is it?

Cortana: It seems that we have changed course and wait I'm picking up a rupture everyone hold on.

The ship soon shakes and soon a blast came out and knocked all the Spartans down. They were down for a while and soon when they woke up they were in for a shock.

Cortana: Everyone you're alright. Oh you had me worried there for a second.

Jaune: Yeah..... Wait my voice.

Cal: Same here.

Kelly: What the Fuck.

Jorge: It seems I'm not the only one who notices that.

They took off their helmets and saw that they have reverted back to their 17 year old bodies.

Cortana: Well this was unexpected. Wait it seems we are heading towards a unknown planet.

Jaune: Cortana do we got a visual?

Cortana: Yes it'll be up right about now. Also to add the ship is dead.

Kelly: Great, some mubbo jobo has made us like this and now we are heading to crash into a unknown planet. What's next Mendez being a suit.

Jorge: I'll pay to see that.

Jaune looked at the now visual planet and couldn't believe it. As the rest of the Spartans saw his face of shock they take a look and saw that it was similar to Earth but different.

Cal:.Are you alright Jaune?

Jaune: I think I know that planet.

Li: Really what is it?

Jaune: It's called Remnant and it was were I was born.

As they were processing the info they heard sirens going off.

Cortana: Well discuss it later bow hang on to something again we are going down.

Jaune: Cortana make sure we don't land anywhere near any cities

Cortana: Way ahead of you. Besides I know there is life down there so hang on tight spartans.

As Blue Team got hold on something as the Vessel was pulled in by the gravitational pull of the planet they are going to a new world. Were Jaune came from.

A Knight to a Spartan Where stories live. Discover now