Hunk wiped his eyes and wrapped his arms around his friend, “awe Lance! We would do anything for you! I think I speak for all of us when I say that we were happy to help you!”

Lance laughed and hugged his friend back, feeling more arms wrap around him, Shay, Pidge and yes even Keith. Lance felt safe, he felt like a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders and he couldn’t keep a smile off his face. Grinning at all of his friends.  

“Lance? Oh Lance there you are, Mr. Altea is looking for you.” A taller women, with long red hair and cat eyes turned the corner, smiling at Lance.

Lance pulled away from his friends, “Coran wants to see me?”

She nodded and Lance gave his friends once last look, the nerves slowly coming back before following her down the hall, hoping none of them were caught.


Lance sat stiffly as he looked at Coran from across his desk. Coran looked tired, dark bags hung under his eyes and he moved slightly slower than usual. “Lance, are you feeling okay? I know that you were assaulted.”

Lance laughed slightly, “I wouldn’t call it an assault really.”

Coran gave him a small smile, “it still technically is according to the handbook.”

Lance nodded, “but I’m feeling fine, I was a little shaken up but I'm all better now.”

Coran hummed in reply and pulled a notebook out of his desk, much like when Lance was there for punching Keith. “Now Lance, I need to ask you some questions. Rolo didn’t say much, only saying that you deleted his pictures, yet I was talking with you in the hallway so I highly doubt you were the cause of what happened.” Coran paused, rereading his notes, “you didn’t delete the pictures, right?”

“Correct, I was in the hallway talking to Keith the entire time.” Lance twirled his fingers together, looking at the picture on Corans desk of him and a darker skinned women in a military uniform. I’ve never noticed that before. I wonder who that is?

Coran nodded, expecting that answer from Lance. “When I asked Rolo why he believed that you deleted the picture all he said was ‘we have history together’, can you elaborate on that?”

Lance felt sweat drip down his back, how much did Rolo tell him? How much should I say? He swallowed around the lump in his throat and forced the words out. “Him and I have been...talking.” Lance ignored the confused looked Coran gave him and continued on. “Ever since I found out about Keith being my soulmate, Rolo came to me with advice on how to fight it I guess. He did help my sister after all, but I stopped listening to him and started talking with Keith so I don’t think he liked that. That’s all I know sir.” Lance prayed that Coran didn’t pry any further, please I don’t want to keep stretching the truth. Lance knew he wasn’t technically lying but he looked up to Coran and he hated hiding things from him.

Coran smiled and put his notebook away, “so you and Keith are friends now?” He leaned forward in his chair slightly, propping his head on his hands, like they were two teenage girls at a slumber party.

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