Chapter two

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Castiel went home and flopped down on his bed, picking up his phone.

Charlie:be thre at seven, see ya

Castiel picked up the book he was reading last night from the night stand To Kill A Mocking Bird not the best he's read but once you pick up a book it's your responsibility to finish it.

He was still avoiding to think about the conversation he had had with De-Winchester today, that was the most close he'd got with him for two years. He didn't want to think much of it. They'd sat together, Castiel had found out that Winchester sometimes stalked him, Castiel had told Winchester about his opinions on Shakespeare and then Winchester had ruined everything with a pick up like, yup that's it. It did NOT change anything. Castiel still hated Winchester. He did.

His only fear was what Winchester would make of it, will he think something had changed, he probably will, but Castiel wasn't afraid to put him back in the line and convince him that nothing had changed.

He looked around the room, the quite was deafening. Their dad, Carver Edlund, or Chuck was away on a business trip, the twins, Michael and Lucifer were away at college, Gabriel was at the Sweets Shop and Anna was at a friends house.

 Castiel's room was quite awesome but plain, it was incredibly big, and had white walls, a big T.V, a couch, a dressing, a closet and king size bed and a lot of book shelves. It gave an air of calmness which Castiel loved.

He was about to go back to reading when the door burst open revealing an incredibly excited looking Anna.

'Hey, Cas' she walked to him and stooped down to hug him, out of all his siblings he loved Anna the most, even though she was only one year younger than him, he was very protective of his baby sister, she was always there to brighten his mood, and always asked for her big brother's advice on everything. Anna was a very sweet girl, incredibly outgoing. She was smart but incredibly emotional, and open about her feelings, unlike Castiel himself.

'Hello, Anna' he said as she sat on the edge of his bed looking like she was about to burst with excitement.

'Let me guess, you are going to the party?'

'Yes!' She said as if the fact made jer life 100 times better. She made her way towards his bed and started talking about the cloths she was wearing, the look, her friends...and you get the idea.

Castiel loved that about her, she shared every piece of information with him, no matter how random or how secret. He was a good listener and always focused on what she was saying, even when she was talking about something as uninteresting as shopping.

Anna was just telling him that her friend Meg(who for some reason was on the same mission as Dean) was wearing to the party tonight when he got the text from Charlie.

Charlie: here. Come welcome your queen handmaiden.

Castiel got up from the bed. 'Listen, Anna Charlie is here and I sincerely hope you enjoy your party, I should go.'

'Hmm-mm' Anna was now lying on Castiel's former place and typing away on her phone furiously.

Castiel reached the main door and held it open for Charlie, who was sporting a handbag.

'You are planing on staying the night, I presume?'

'Damn right' she threw her bag at Castiel. 'You got something to eat or what?'

'Of course, priorities' Castiel closed the door. 

'So I was thinking y'know that Captain and Bucky are an AWESOME ship, but when it come to AU I have to say that Tony and Steve is better because of the whole enemies to lovers thing, don't you think? ......' their walk to the T.V lounge consisted of Charlie telling Castiel exactly why she thought Stucky and Stony was tie.

Heartbreak (Destiel high school AU)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon