Reverse Mountain

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The morning had risen up over the Merry Go, and the girls were getting dressed. Lambina had to wear one of Nami's old dresses from her childhood and got her hair brushed out. Tsuna was getting dressed in a baby pink tank top and blue shorts when her Natsu box in her bag started to shake a little.

"What was that?" Nami asked.

"Oh, that's probably Natsu. I'll let him out. Oh, and Kero-chan, I think you should come out too." Tsuna said as she pulled out her Vongola Box and a winged teddy bear. To Nami's surprise, the winged teddy bear was actually alive. Then Tsuna used her Sky Ring to activate her other partner. "Come out Natsu!"

 "Come out Natsu!"

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"Gao, gao!"

Cute aren't they?!

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Cute aren't they?!

'Cu-cute!' Nami thought.

Then Natsu noticed Nami and hid behind Tsuna's legs.

"Its okay Natsu, Nami's a friend." Tsuna said, as she gave the shy cub reassuring pets.

"Um, is it okay if~ Nami asked reaching out with a twitching hand wanting to pet them.

"Sure Nami." Tsuna said giving her flame animal to the navigator. To Nami's surprise, the cub's flames didn't hurt, they were gentle and warm.

"Well, I'm the great Keroberos, Sun Guardian of the Sky Cards!" The winged teddy said.

Nami looks confused and turns to Tsuna.

" I'll explain later with the others," Tsuna said with a smile.

"Tsu-nee, Nami-nee, breakfast is ready! I'm hungry!" Lambina said.

"Alright, alright we're coming."

Tsuna and Nami walked to the deck where breakfast was, and Luffy started to spray food everywhere when he saw Natsu and Kero, causing the flame cub to retreat to Tsuna's arms.

"OHH, A LION And a winged bear!"

"Where did they come from?" Zoro asked.

All the Guardians held out there box weapons to show the Pirates.

Cards, Flames And StrawhatsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora