Life in the Wild, The Meeting

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"Oi eyes up here pervert", the angry red head of the group said and when the mayor dragged his gaze upwards he paled in fright. All three women were glaring at him with a deathly aura surrounding them.

"E-e-er yeah let's get on with the meeting shall we. This town is situated at the base of the Steppe Pass mountains. In a valley high up in the mountains there is a forest and we believe that is where the demon is living. A few years ago a mob went up to the valley to rid us of the demon but there they found the giant eyes and teeth of the demon waiting for them." The portly man stuttered our wanting to be rid of the three possible causes for his death.

The three girls merely huffed before leaving, muttering about pervy old men. Said man let out a sigh of relief once they were gone.

The three girls had been walking for a few hours as they had just made it up the mountain and were now entering the valley.

The first thought they had was how beautiful the valley looked from their position.

"Hey look over there!", Erza spoke, "there's smoke rising that must be a fire".

"Well then let's go check it out and get our reward."

With that the three dashed off down the valley and towards the source of the smoke, all of them completely silent as to not let the demon know of their arrival.

Holding her hand up Lucy and Mira stopped behind Erza. The three were crouched on a branch above a clearing and were looking down.

What they saw below was shocking. It was a small camp with a large bonfire going in the middle. A large Elephant Koi fish was sat above the fire slowly turning on a spit.

But the wasn't the cause for their shock, no it was the being sitting at the fire and spinning the fish that shocked them.

There was a blonde haired boy who looked about a year younger then them sitting there. At first glance he just looked like a normal boy but then they took notice of the nine furry tails waving happily behind him along with the point fur covered ears.

A human with fox tails, this must be the demon, they all thought together. Slowly then moved towards the ground as silently as possible while creeping closer to the boy.

They stopped and held their breaths as the boys tails suddenly went rigid and his ears perked up. Looking around the boy quickly stood up and sniffed the air before letting out a low and dangerous growl.

"I know your there, come out now before I hunt you down and tear out your throats", the boy growled out.

Not wanting to anger the blonde the three girls quickly stepped out of their cover before putting their hands up in placating manner.

"Hello there my names Mirajane, this is Erza and Lucy. We were wondering if you are the only one that lived in this forest?".

"Of course I'm the only one, all those other tailless demons destroyed the trees and polluted the forest", he growled out.

The easily angered red head the spoke up, "who the hell are you calling a demon. Your the demon pal and were here to remove it from the villagers forest".

A large growl tore itself from his throat as he jumped backwards and into a crouched fighting stance, his hands crossed in an x with his fingers making claws that faced outwards.

The Nine Tailed Human Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя