I return the smile as give Kol a brief kiss. "I promise."

"Good." Kol pulls me back in for another kiss. "I love you, Ace."

"Right back at you, Mikaelson."

. . .

The rest of the week, the Mikaelson house was on edge. Despite Esther's 'failure,' everyone's nerves were on high alert from the prospect of other enemies stepping into the light. Finn was nowhere to be found, and we all assumed he was hiding out somewhere to avoid another dagger induced nap. Klaus continued to search for him and Esther as time went by via his loyal hybrids. Meanwhile, the rest of the siblings found other matters to occupy their time. Elijah continued his mission to mend the strained familial bonds and Klaus' torn heart.

Rebekah and Kol, on the other hand, turned their attentions to doting, worrying, and spending time with me. Every day was something new with them. Kol would take me out as frequently as possible, on dates, walks, or even sitting around watching movies with me in his arms.

It didn't help that the nightmares that surfaced after Esther's disappearance could only be kept away by him. I'm pretty sure it only boosted his monumentally insufferable ego. He loves to tease me about how I cling to him like a half-drowned cat, and I can only assume he's right.

Still, every night I dread having to go to sleep. The nightmare feels so vivid and tangible. It's as if I could reach out and interact with the world inside my head. Feel a breeze on my skin or a flash of pain.

This morning in particular, I woke up screaming. By the time I was able to clean myself up and trudge down to the kitchen, Rebekah was waiting for me with an understanding smile and a hot coffee. "Sorry if I woke you all this morning." I mumble as I gratefully take the cup.

She leans against the counter, brushing aside my apology with the wave of her hand. "Don't' apologize. Tell me, what was the dream about this time?"

"I don't remember." I sigh as I press my fingers to my sore eyes, as if it will wipe away the horrifying feeling in my stomach. "I keep waiting for something horrible to happen. I mean, Esther is still out there, there's a chance there may be more white oak stakes somewhere, and it doesn't help that my dad keeps calling to 'talk.'"

Rebekah's face softens for a moment as she looks me over. "When was the last time you just took a day off of worrying?"

I pretend to think about it for a moment as I lean against the counter. "Um, never?" "Well, that changes today."

She smiles devilishly as she takes my arm. "Go get dressed. We're going out, and while you do that, I'm going to convince my brother to take you out."

"Thank you, Bex. You're a pretty great friend." I wrap her in a quick hug before she pushes me off towards my room to get ready.

After fifteen minutes of dancing around my room while I get ready, I head back downstairs to meet Rebekah and run into Kol. "Hey, stranger. Did Bex talk to you yet?"

"And demand I force you to take a night off? Yes." Kol laughs as he drapes an arm over my shoulder as we walk. "I think it's a grand idea. You deserve a day of fun."

"What will you be doing all day? More errands for Nik?"

Kol chuckles and sighs as we enter the living room. His gaze levels on his brother and his voice gains an edge. "What else could I possibly want to do? Right, Nik?"

"Be nice, Kol. Just be thankful he's admitting to needing your help." I give Klaus a joking smile at the comment before turning back to Kol. "Just promise me one thing. Don't get into too much trouble without me."

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