I only roll my eyes in response. "Please, tell me you weren't terrifying the mayor this early in the night." That comment earns a chuckle out of Klaus, but it causes Jeremy to flinch like he might be the next victim. "Where is everyone else?"

"I believe what you mean to say is—'where is Kol?'" Jeremy scoffs, which earns him a small jab to the ribs. "It's not like he doesn't know." He chuckles as he motions to Klaus, but he realizes soon enough it's not Klaus I'm worried about.

"Rebekah is socializing. Elijah is around here somewhere. Finn is at his usual place by my mother, and I can only guess where she is. Kol—well, he's looking for you." A teasing smile crosses Klaus's face. He intentionally gives me no details about anyone for fun, and he makes no attempt to hide his enjoyment at my panic.

"You are no help, Niklaus." I glare at him mockingly as I continue to search. My eyes scan the room for the face of my boyfriend, but he's nowhere to be found. Instead, I find the faces of Caroline, Tyler Lockwood, Matt, and a trio I know all too well—Elena, with her two toys, Damon and Stefan Salvatore, on either arm. I restrain myself from rolling my eyes.

She's far too much like what I'm told the previous doppelganger was. Even Jeremy shares that opinion, but I can't tell him that's not the only reason I dislike her. I can't respect anyone who puts two people through such torment and exploits it to get her way, even if it is unintentional.

Once Klaus notices Caroline's arrival, he leaves Jeremy and I alone to make a beeline to her. Jeremy stays by my side for a little while longer until he spots someone he knows, and I tell him I'll be fine. The sounds of the party guests chatter echoes through the grand entryway, and the sparkle of gems and dresses are nearly blinding. Even standing in the middle of it all makes me feel dizzy.

My heels make a gentle click against the tiles as I slip between groups in search of a quiet spot. Most of the hallways I know like the back of my hand, which means I know all too well that the noise of the guests will still echo through. I nervously bite my lip as I slip into one room I know will be quiet—the library.

This is the first time I've ever been in here. This is Elijah's sanctuary, and since I've been avoiding most of the siblings, this room has been off limits. The room in front of me makes wish otherwise when I take it all in.

My fingers mindlessly trail over the old leather bound copies of classics, modern, and titles I've never even heard of. Each shelf is meticulously organized, which doesn't surprise me knowing what I do about Elijah.

My heart nearly stops in my chest when I spot a first edition copy of one of my favorite childhood books, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. It's the white whale of my book collection. I barely even think as I gingerly take if off the shelf and admire the feeling of the faded cover, the smell of old pages and ink, and the words I could nearly recite by heart. "That's one of my favorites too." A voice comes from behind me, and it takes every ounce of conscious thought for me to not drop the book. I spin around to find myself face to face with Elijah Mikaelson.

"Sorry, I was just looking for a quiet place when I came across your library." I stumble through my words. Elijah is the noble one of the bunch, but that doesn't make me any less nervous. There's an unspoken need for me to take an excellent impression since I'm going to finally introduce myself later tonight. "You're collection is beautiful. It puts mine to shame."

"You collect books?" He asks with a slight smile. I can feel his eyes on my movements as I carefully slip the book back into its proper place.

"Avidly." I reply with a smile. My fingers start fiddling with the silk of my gown as I continue with a nostalgic smile appearing. "My dad is a writer, and he would always tell me how powerful a good story can be. One of the first books he gave me was The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. It's what started the obsession with collecting." I pause for a second as I dare to meet the Original in the eye, feeling a bit more comfortable. "Do you mind if I ask where you found it? I've been searching for a first edition of it, but it's nearly impossible to find."

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