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chapter two

DELTA WATCHED THE CARS come and go down the narrow streets, twisting around bends like bees collecting pollen.

It was rare to see so many metal bodies, to see so much life on the street where at night even the stars seemed to wither away.

She sat on the porch with her head resting on her knees, her breathing quiet and gentle as the wood creaked underneath her weight. Delta's arms wrapped around her kness, holding them close and she sat there, swaying slightly in the soft breeze.

Inside her father was getting ready for his day at court - advising the King on the remnants of alcohol lingering on his breath. He would frolick and laugh with the men inside the palace, showing off his rank and position as he did so.

Delta couldn't help the rush of bitter resent for him that flowed through her veins and curled her fingers into fists of bronze. Impressions only mattered to people who one cared about - it made sense to her now as she recalled the drunken nights he spent on the floor, swimming in a pool of liquids his liver couldn't contain.

A door creaked open behind, revealing light patters of feet dragging along the wood towards her. She could feel the wood dip behind her, leaving her unbalanced as her father came up behind her. Over her shoulder, a glint of onyx stung her eyes. She just hoped the alcohol hadn't blinded his.

"Good morning Delt," his voice was slick, eerily confident without being under the influence.

It was like honey; sweet but sticky. Delta could get lost in the affection he showed her - she felt herself reaching for the honey he had, her legs on the edge of the trap.

"Morning," she whispered back, watching the stranger in a suit walk along the old wooden porch. It had been a while since she'd saw him so cleanshaven, so well put together. It was like watching the stars turn into constellations right in front of her eyes.

His fingers trailed along the porch rail as he walked to and fro, inspecting the front lawn and the weeds and dandelions scattered along it.

Light reflected off the indigo of the ring placed at the base of his finger.

Dad's wedding ring.

Delta hadn't noticed the ring on his finger for quite some time now. She was sure it had been pawned off for easy money eons ago when drinks became his solace and world - her ribs expanded, letting her heart breathe and a smile twitch at her lip's corner.

Delta watched the ring as her father gracefully took the stairs, his arms crossed as he stood before her.

"Keep out of trouble, you hear me?" and then all of a sudden, her ribs squeezed her heart, caging it as it sunk down to the pit of her stomach.

All she could do was nod.

Nodding was the most she could do without spilling the ironic truth. That satisfied the stranger in a suit, a pleased smile on his face as he leant down to kiss her forehead goodbye.

"I love you, my river styx. Stay safe, I'll be back tonight."

I love you too, she wanted to say back. Her mouth itched to say it back, but it longed to say more -I love you, but I don't want you to come back.

All of her wanted to say something. Fear held her back - fear of the unknown and fear, of him.

Delta smiled like the honey from his mouth hadn't burned her tongue and left her stuck.

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"YOU'RE AN IDIOT," DELTA told her friend, watching his hands drag down his face while his mouth let out a groan.

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