Meeting Bruce

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(Clark and Diana were just about to leave when Bruce drove up to the farm)

Clark: "Bruce? What are you doing here?"

Bruce: "I thought I should apologize. For a lot of things."

Diana: "Like sleeping with Lois Lane?"

Clark: "And spying on us with surveillance?"

Bruce: "Yeah. Among other things. I'm so sorry, you two. I've been a real piece of work lately. You didn't deserve any of that."

Clark: "I'm sorry too, Bruce. I practically ruined your life out of spite for no good reason at all."

Bruce: "We're even, Clark. I've managed to keep both of our identities a secret after your visit with Perry White."

Clark: "Oh really? How'd you manage that?"

Bruce: "I bought the Planet."

Diana: "..of course you did."

(Suddenly Diana groaned and nearly collapsed as Clark supported her)

Clark: "Diana are you okay?"

Diana: "I..I don't know. I just felt a little light headed."

Bruce: "I've seen these symptoms before."

Clark: "Bruce what are you talking about?"

Bruce: "She's pregnant."

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