About as romantic as it gets

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Clark: "Okay open them."

Diana: "Clark I told you I can fly on my own. You didn't need to carry me."

Clark: "Well then it wouldn't be a surprise now would it?"

(Diana opened her eyes and gasped as she realized that they were hovering at a very large height, high above the world below, amongst the stars..and the full moon shone on them beautifully)

Clark: "So? Do you like it?"

Diana: "It's beautiful, Clark. Thank you."

Clark: "You're beautiful Diana. You're the most beautiful person I've ever known."

(Diana sighed into an emotional smile)

Diana: "Flight. The one thing that's always represented the ones I love most. Steve once told me that it's like anything really.  It's wind and air and knowing how to catch it, how to join with it. He taught me how to fly...but it was you who truly made me believe that I could."

(She kissed him with all of her heart and soul, the two shared their greatest kiss yet above the Earth)

Diana: "I love you Clark Kent."

Clark: "I love you too Diana Prince."

(They hugged and just held each other closely, their every worry or doubt behind them, their love providing all the warmth they needed in the cold night air)

Clark and Diana 2 Where stories live. Discover now