First ask!

139 4 23

{Ok... Well I'm bored as heck right now and just got the first ask! Which i really appreceate.

I also got it faster then i expected.... But thank you  for the ask!

ANYWAAAAY let's get on with the thing xD}


Me: GUYS! GUYS! We've got the first ask!


Me: Ow... My ears ;-;..... But yea. _depressed_vampire_ asks: "Error, why do you hate fresh? And I dare Ink to kiss his crush!!! If he doesn't have a crush then he has to make out with himself  in a mirror! Lol! XD"... 

Well~ That's interesting ;3 

Error: Because he's freaking annoying! That's why! He's just a filthy parasite that should be killed right away!  And those neon colours can make anyone blind!

Fresh: Ouch broski... that hurt

Dream: That was really mean!

Error: I don't care!

Ink: W-well.... 

Me: Ooooh~ tis gunna be interestiiiing! 

Ink: *blushes while hiding his face in his scarf* 

Me: Come ooon cinnamon ball! 


Dream: Calm down Blue... >->

Ink: They probably hate me anyway!

Me: So? They may not hate you after that!

Ink: .... Fine... But... they didn''t even say where to kiss them!

Me: They say on the lips  {or teeth cuz skeletons xD}!

Ink: Really...? *blushes even darker* {cuz LOGICALLY skeletons can blush! Didin't you know that?! xD}

Dream:* he wispers to Lumi* But it doesn't say-

Me:SHHhhhhhhhh.... Can't I have some fun?

Dream: I guess... Hmmmm.... it might be interesting afterall...

Me: Exactly!

-Everyone was talking and doing stupid stuff.

Reaper was flirting with the tsundere himself, Error was being annoyed by Fresh, Fresh annoyed Error, G was talking with Sci about science stuff, Lumi and Dream were arguing about who Ink could be crushing on, Nightmare; Cross and Fell were talking about how freaking stupid this is... Everything was pretty much calm... Tho Ink was nowhere in sight-

-out of nowhere, Ink ran to Error quickly kissing him on the lips {Teeth...xD} and then running away- 

Error: *Blushes dark yellow* What was t-that about?... 

Me: Dream...

Dream: UGGHHHHH FIIINE *He gives Lumi 10g*{ 10 gold cuz Undertale bish xD}

Me: Thank you.

-G and Sci smirk at eachother while saying "I ship it."-


Me: I had a feeling ;3

Dream: I had no idea either... but he DID talk about Error A LOT lately

- 'Error.EXE.Is.Not_Responding' sign appeard above Errors head-

Fell: Pfft- haha! He's totally crushing on him too haha! 

Cross: We don't know that Fell... But most likely you're right. *he smirks at Fell*

Me: Yassss my shiiipppp!

Sci: I think I'll go make some potions... You wanna help G? 

G: Mhm! Totally 

Me: Oh no... What are they planning now?...

Dream: Let's hope it wont make us explode...

Me: Yea... Wait... Where are Reaper and Geno while this is happening? 

Geno: We're here! *Walks back with some ship shirts* >;3

Me: Oh ma gawd! GIMMY SOME!

Geno: 20g first.

Me: *Throws a bag of gold at Genos face* SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!


Well? What do you think are G and Sci doing? And what will happen next after Error reboots?... Find out next time!~.... Maybe ;3

Well! This is a long thing... Geez 495 words not counting this.... Holy bean boozles...

But yea! Thank you for the first ask and dare again! hope you enjoyed this long thing... Oh! And Yea! Go ahead and ask/dare anything to the sanses! We're waiting for your asks and dares~

Next days edit: I'm SO sorry. I realized this morning that it wasn't the right name... FREAKING AUTOCORRECT! I hate it! And my tablet was messed up or something cuz it didn't tag the person no matter what I did. But now i managed to fix it, tho now I'm trying to fix my tablet... Wish me luck I guess xD. sorry again _depressed_vampire_ for getting your name wrong. Hope you aren't mad at me.... And I still hate you autocorrect... 

Ok, but now I REALLY have to go. My school starts in like... Ten minutes so I better run. 


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