Chapter three: Friendship is magic

Start from the beginning

"I'm Saya Haruyo. Saori's sister."

"Yep that's all of us." I conclude. Finny looks at me with amazement. "I'm sorry for asking but are you really from the future?" He asks me.

"Yeah. The 2018." I say. Finny's eyes sparkle.

"What's it like?" Mey-rin asks

"We have these metal carriages called cars and they don't need horses to pull them." I say carefully picking the words I use.

"Really!?" Mey-rin, Bard, Finny say in unison.

"What else?" Mey-rin questions. I thought for a little bit. "We have this box called a television that shows you moving pictures." I told them. "People use them as entertainment instead of going to see a play or something."

"Really!?" Mey-rin exclaims. "Moving pictures! It's magic!"

"No. It's just science has advancedover time." Chie explained.

"What about America?" Bard asked. "I wanna what it's like in 2018."

"We're actually from America." I start. "America is now a slave-free country. A lot of immigrants live there now. But, the only bad thing is that our president is Donald Trump."

"Who's Donald Trump?" Finny asked.

"A rich, duck faced, loudmouthed, business man." I explain. "He is literally the worst."

"I can't believe American citizens would choose a president like that." Bard said.

"Same." I say,

"But, all the taxes and job payments (Me: I think.) are better because of him." Chie adds. I nod. I kept telling the Phantomhive servants about the future and what it's like then Sebastian came in. "Markku." He said.

"Hai?" I said.

"You have to prepare young master's breakfast." Says Sebastian.

"Isn't that Bard's job?" I reply.

"Were you listening when I explained everything?"

"No...." Sebastian pinched the bridge of his nose (Me: Sebby's too sexy for face palms!XD). "You and Baldroy will take turns making meals." Sebastian explains. "You will prepare breakfast, Baldroy will prepare lunch, and you will both prepare dinner. Understood?"


"Good." After Sebastian said that I stopped listening. Man, sleep is really getting to me. I snap out of it when everyone gets up to do their daily chores or whatever they do.


I was left in the kitchen alone to make breakfast. "What the hell does Ciel even want?" I say aloud. My phone vibrated. I took it out and placed it on the counter. Sweetie popped up on the phone. "I don't know myself, but it has to be something fancy." Sweetie said. "You know something British nobility would eat."

"But what the hell would that be?" I said. Sweetie shrugs. I sigh. "How about I make parfait." I say.

"Yeah! Because everyone loves parfait." Sweetie said. I find a big cup thing to make the parfait.

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