43. Relearning

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Harry felt panicked. "Wingardium Leviosa!" he said again, and still nothing happened. Hermione had a look of complete terror on her face. Harry felt like Ron must have in Flitwick's class on their first Halloween at Hogwarts. "WINGARDIUM LEVIOSA!!!" The quill stayed there.

Madam Pomfrey looked very worried and was wearing an obviously fake smile. "As I said, Mr. Potter, your magic is unstable now, but should c...come back."

"May I suggest..." said Dumbledore, "...that Harry try another wand?"

"He's not going to get better results with someone else's wand than with his own," said Pomfrey indignantly. "This wand is specifically suited to Harry."

Harry gave a slight smile as he thought about what was special about his wand. "I'd like to try, Madam Pomfrey."

She sighed but then handed Harry her wand. "You shouldn't expect different results with my wand."

"Wingardium Leviosa!" he said while concentrating as hard as he could, performing the appropriate wand motion. The quill rose a few inches off the ground. Everyone was staring.

"What?" exclaimed Poppy, "Try your wand again."

After Harry tried his wand unsuccessfully, he tried everybody else's. He got some sort of result, not nearly as good as he'd hoped, from every wand but his own.

Hermione said, "But how can that be unless the wand bonded with..." and she closed her mouth to avoid telling Madam Pomfrey about the Horcrux.

"With what?"

Dumbledore decided to give her a half truth. "The phoenix feather core of Harry's wand came from the same phoenix as the one in Voldemort's wand." Pomfrey flinched at the name. Harry's jaw dropped. He didn't think anybody besides himself and Ollivander knew that. Everyone else was staring at Harry's wand. "Mr. Ollivander told me about it. You see, the Phoenix that supplied the feathers is Fawkes."

"What?" asked Harry.

"Oh yes, but then we're off topic. We're hypothesizing that the curse in Harry's scar somehow made him feel like Voldemort to the wand, and now that the curse isn't inside Harry, the wand doesn't recognize him at all."

"I...I suppose that's as good an explanation as any," said Pomfrey. "Mr. Potter, aside from your difficulty with magic, and I believe you're still having a difficulty if you can't levitate a feather one foot off the ground, even if it is with someone else's wand. You are perfectly fine so you don't have to stay in the hospital wing. I suggest you get a new wand as soon as possible and see me then. In the mean time, I'll give you medical leave from classes for a week, and hopefully by then you'll be able to keep up with your classes.

"Do not let anybody know that Harry's having difficulty with his magic," said Dumbledore emphatically to the whole group. "As you all know, he's been attacked several times this year and managed to fight off his attackers. This would be their perfect opportunity. We'll simply say that he's ill and contagious. Mr. Potter, I believe you should stay in this room. It should supply everything you need, and very few people know about it. I suggest you say you believe he's at St. Mungo's but you're not sure, if anyone asks." Dumbledore looked at Harry. "Mr. Potter, aside from our secret trip to Mr. Ollivander's, which I personally will escort you on Monday, do not leave this room."

Harry nodded his head. "Yes sir, I don't fancy being caught powerless by Snape myself. I would like my trunk brought down though." His trunk immediately appeared, loaded with all of his stuff.

Dumbledore smiled with a twinkle in his eyes. "I suggest you call one of your house elves to keep you company until you're fully recovered. One of them should be able to defend you should the need arise." He then turned to Madam Pomfrey. "Thank you very much for your services. Mr. Potter will have a new wand by Monday afternoon. You may test his magic then."

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