Chapter 2

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Yugo hadn't expected Adamï to be happy to see him. But he certainly didn't expect him to stab him in the gut. Nor did he expect him to start crying. Even if everything was becoming blurrier with every passing second, Yugo could tell his brother had been crying... Yugo's only question though was, why did Echo kidnap him?

Yugo woke up in the Eniripsa's temple. Honestly didn't expect to wake up, much less in Echo's temple. He was on the ground, chained to a pillar. He struggled against the bindings in attempt to loosen or even escape. "Those chains are as loose as they're going to get Yugo." a voice rang out "They're enchanted, and will only come off if I want them to." Oropo floated in front of Yugo

"What do you want?" Yugo asked

"Well, if I don't keep you captive, then how am I supposed to blackmail your twin into working for me?" Oropo laughed "Let's just say, if he tries to leave or free you, you will die." The ears on Yugo's hat went down. "Oh don't worry, he won't even try now that he cares about you again."

Oropo laughed harder as Yugo continued to struggle against the chains. "You're insane!"

"Just like every other person you've fought Yugo. But I'm not your enemy. We could be allies." Oropo floated close to Yugo

"I'd rather die," Yugo growled "Then join you."

"You know as well as I do, that you won't be dying anytime soon Yugo. Your brother has too big of a heart."

Yugo glared at Oropo. "Your brother made the exact same face when I first met him." Echo said as she walked up next to Oropo. She looked at Yugo "But his face looked more dragonish."

Echo left, leaving Oropo and Yugo alone again. "I know that you do not trust me Yugo." Oropo said as he stopped floating "To get you to trust me I am going to tell you something." Yugo raised an eyebrow, he'd only been kidnapped once or twice, but kidnappers don't typically tell the person they kidnap a secret. "I am an eliatrope."

"So you're wearing a... A mask?"


"Did you make if with your hat?"

"Yes. Do you trust me now?"

"No more then I did a minute ago."

"Why are you so stubborn?"

"It's who I am."

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