Chapter 13

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"So this is Remington's hideout?" Adami asked as he and his friends arrived at a creepy looking house at the edge of the Sadida Kingdom

"Yes. He's stolen from many, and has always ransomed for money. Never for a person though." Amalia replied

"Let's go get Yugo then." Adami said as he took a step towards the house

"Adami," Amalia said placing a hand on his shoulder "Please, don't do anything rash."

Adami nodded "I'll try."


Yugo yelped as he pulled on the chains, startling Grany awake. "Hey be quiet! I'm trying to sleep!" (I've been watching too mush Pokèmon, I'm imagining Grany saying this, but in Meowth's voice 😂) "Stupid kid." The Bowmeow grumbled as he fell asleep

"I'm not a kid." Yugo mumbled angrily "I'm nineteen. If you were to call me anything but an adult, I would be a teenager." Yugo frowned at the sleeping Bowmeow "My appearance doesn't define my age." Adami appeared next to Yugo. "Ad!"

"Hey." Adami replied as he broke the chains on Yugo's wrists. Adami gasped quietly when he saw the gashes on His brother's wrists "What happ-"

"Oropo put cuffs on my wrists and they were too tight. They cut into my skin. But it's fine." Yugo said as he stood up shakily "I'll survive."

"You keep saying that, and then you get kidnapped. Just stop saying that You'll survive. Maybe then you won't get kidnapped." Adami joked as he placed a hand on Yugo's shoulder "Let's get out of here."

Adami teleported Yugo and himself out of Remington's house, and back to Amalia and the others. "Yugo! Oh thank goodness you're okay!" Amalia exclaimed as she rushed to hug the young Eliatrope

Yugo held back a laugh, knowing both how painful it would be, and how badly it would embarrass the princess. "I'm glad I'm okay to Amalia." Yugo smiled

The group began to walk away from Remington's house, when a shout was heard "GRANY! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO WATCH HIM!"

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