fanfiction [jmrf]

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smut included in this chapter
um ok, this is a lot & it's shit but haha enjoy

it was a quiet sunday evening, one of the days where you'd be able to curl up on the couch and just watch netflix for hours. jonah was out with the boys, since they needed to head out for some groceries.

entering your shared bedroom with him, you shut the door and crawled onto your bed, phone clutched in hand.

an amused smile spread across your lips as you opened instagram, seeing multiple people tag you in a post. clicking on it, you weren't surprised to see a picture of jonah.

however, the post was split in half. what looked like a story had been written out on the left, while the right had jonah's photo.

lightly furrowing your eyebrows, you read over the first few sentences. and quickly, you realized what the post was about.

you weren't able to hear the front door opening from downstairs, and you didn't hear jonah's footsteps approach the bedroom door.

"babe?" jonah said softly, opening the door.

you jumped, head whipping to face him. moving your thumb to the side of the phone, you quickly turned it off.

"jonah," you managed, your voice coming out like a whisper. his eyes trailed to your phone, not failing to notice your quick action.

"hey, baby," he smiled, entering the room and locking the door carefully behind him. "w-why did you turn off your phone so fast?"

you held it tightly in your hand, instantly feeling intimidated as he approached the bed.

"y/n, give me the phone," jonah said, seeming amused as he watched you.

"it's no big deal," you insisted, getting to your feet. being the giant he was, you barely reached his shoulder.

the way he towered over you just gave him a better chance of dominance, which led him to scoop you up in his arms and tackle you, letting you fall back onto the bed.

a grin appeared on his lips as he used a hand to pin your small hands above your head, the other tickling your bare stomach. you squealed, your eyes squeezing shut as you attempted to squirm out of his trap.

in a swift and quick motion, he snatched the phone out of your grip, which had loosened due to what he'd done. getting back to his feet and striding across the room, he hurriedly typed your passcode in.

eyes flying open, you got to your feet and scurried to your boyfriend. "jonah!"

however, it had already been too late. he was already skimming over the words, his lips slowly parting.

"oh," he mumbled, turning to you.

taking your phone back into your hand, you felt heat rising up your neck.

"i got tagged in it," you said, turning off the phone for good. "i didn't know what it was until i read it."

surprisingly, you found a light smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. jonah took the phone, setting it behind him on the dresser.

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