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You slowly started to regain consciousness. Your eyes haven't opened yet but your mind is active. You feel a faint throbbing on your back and neck. And slowly the memories begin to come back. You remember the drunk molester and the wound your received on you back but the throbbing on your neck had no explanation in your memories. You tried to move your hands only to find them chained to the bed you rested on. Careful as to not clank the chains you slowly run your hands down and felt bandages across your torso. Your hand went further to your neck. There was two puncture wounds and you flinched as you ran your fingers over them.

Suddenly you hear footsteps. You panic and decide to feign sleep. You hear the falling of shoes getting closer and closer then they stop. You hear the rattling of a key in a keyhole leading to your room. Afraid you squeeze your eyes shut. The door squeaks open. The footsteps continue. Closer. And closer. Then it stops at what you assume is right in front of you. You lie as still as a statue. You hear a deep chuckle and a feather light touch on your head. Your eyes fly open only to be stopped by a blindfold? The touch you had felt on your head was him tying the damn thing over your eyes. You hear a deep voice say "Hm? So you are awake after all?"
You panic. You can't see anything and scream "untie me you bastard-!"
You feel something cut you off. You realize that they are his gloves fingers. "Shhh, now is that anyway to be speaking to who rescued you? Hm?"
"Rescued? Being tied up and blindfolded is being rescued to you?"
You hear him sigh softly and he says "regardless I am not here to talk. I will unchain you but don't bother running"
You hear the jingle of keys and the click of a lock. Before you can even register that you were free you feel a hand grab you shoulder and you find yourself, to your horror, sitting on his lap. You could feel his warm breath on you ear. The blasted blindfold kept you from seeing otherwise you would be trying to escape. You feel something wet touch your ear something too wet to be his breath. It was his tongue. You begin to squirm under his grasp only making his arms tighten around you. Suddenly he bits your ear earning a small gasp from you. He chuckles and his breath sends chills down your spine which was cold compared to the warmth of his tongue. His lips traveled lower and lower and you began to shake. At the same time his hands were exploring your waist going higher and higher then he felt your bandage. You hear an irritated "tsk" and his hands begin to pull away and you relax. But before you could sigh in relieve you feel a sudden pain on your neck. Was he biting you? You felt him sucking on your skin and your breath quickened. You could hear him eagerly gulping something over and over. Was that your blood? Regardless of what was happening you mind was growing fuzzy again and the edges of your vision darkened and soon the darkness claimed you once again. 

You were hungry once again. How annoying. Least this time there was no need to hunt. You begin to walk to the room that you stored her in. Along the way you grab a blindfold to cover her eyes. Eyes were the only weakness you had for they lead to the soul and you didn't want to see the how the emotions would play out in her eyes. You walk slowly and deliberately to tease her. You know she was awake for her breathing was faster than that of sleep. You unlock her door. Tch how foolish trying to feign sleep. I would tell her that there was no point but that would ruin the fun. Once I reach her I tie on the blindfold. Ahh so now she decides to prove that she is awake. You decide to unchain her for it would give you more flexibility as to what to do with her but other than that there was no way she could outrun him. As soon as you unchain her, you grab her shoulder and set her on your lap. Her scent engulfed you and you practically drooled. Restraining yourself you lick her ear. My, my it was almost as sweet as her blood. You decide to bit it earning you a gasp. Your eyes widen for a moment, for that sound awoke something deep within you that has not need stirred for a while. Without giving it a conscious thought your hands begin to roam her waist. And you feel the bandages. Ugh how could your forget. The sweet noise that your wanted to hear more of would not come forth if she was in pain. Annoyed you bite her neck. As soon as the taste hits you, you forget your previous endeavors and feast on what you are certain was there sweetest blood your ever tasted. You hear her breathing speed up and she is clenching a handful of the bottom of you shirt. How adorable. But as soon as you think that she fall limp. Well so much for those beautiful sounds. Maybe you'll save them for next time. You remove your teeth and lick the wound to clean off any excess blood. You lie her down, re chain her, and remove the blindfold. You look at her face and regret it. For there were tear marks that stained those vibrant cheeks. You turn away and leave.

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