Start of New Life (Part 3)

Start from the beginning

"Wow, my son seems to have knowledge of my daughter down pat" teased Neela Ma.

"Ma, I will just see where Avni is" said an embarrassed Neil as he left the room.  

"I didn't think Neil knew Avni very well" said Ashish.

"What do you two want?" asked Neela ignoring Ashish's question.   "Haven't you and your family done enough damage to my daughter.   All you guys know is to hurt her!" yelled Neela

"I am sorry, Neela Auntie.  I didn't even know that I had a sister named Avni" stated Amol

"Amol, I am sorry, but seeing you hurts my daughter, so please, take your father and leave.  I don't want to hurt you but I will protect my daughter."

Meanwhile in Avni's room, Avni was throwing her pillows around.  "What does he think of himself.   He was supposed to pick me up and he hasn't even shown up.  If he didn't have time he should have called to say he was gonna be late!  Dumb ass!! "

"Oye, I am not a dumb ass!  You shouldn't call your husband Dumb ass!" said Neil watching her from the door.

Avni was so surprised she fell onto her bed.  "When did you show up?   Where have you been?" 

"Wow, I didn't think I would get this kind of welcome!  You were waiting for me!   I'm touched.  I didn't know that my wifey adores me so much that she can't stay away from me.  I came to take you home, and got a welcoming committee of the Mehtas.  Speaking of the Mehtas, Daywanti, Dishka and Ketan were all refused bail.   They will have to stay in jail until the case comes through court."

"Thank you, Neil" said a relieved Avni

"Why are you saying thank you.  You are my wife, it is my duty to protect her" replied Neil

"There you go again, talking like this is a real marriage."  said an exasperated Avni.

"We do have a real marriage.  Just because I haven't exercised my rights doesn't mean that we won't.  We are married.  It will be a real marriage sooner or later.  We will work at making this marriage work.  I know it is hard for you, you don't believe in marriage but Neela Ma does.  And all she wants is for you to have a perfect family, a loving marriage and a couple years down the road, some children."

"Wait, how do you know this?" asked Avni

"My tubelight wifey, do you think that our first meeting was accidental, nope, I knew that you were Avni Ayesha when we met at the cliff.   Do you remember that a year ago, that a proposal had come to your house, and you rejected it without asking who the guy was.  Well, that guy was me." answered Neil.

"What??" said a surprised Avni

"Yep.  That was me.  I had seen you at WYZ hospital, you awere with Neela Ma.  You were teasing her, You had a carefree smile but your eyes were telling me a different story.    I was with Bebe, but I had to step away and take care of a call, when Bebe stumbled, you had helped her without thinking.   You listened to her ramblings, and you mentioned that it was nice to see love between family members, you wished that you had experienced that.  You had mentioned that your second mother gave you the love of mother and father.   But you craved it from your real family as a child.   You made sure that Bebe had the care she needed in the hospital while she was waiting for me.  Bebe fell in love with you that day,  I fell in love with you.  We found out that Neela Ma was a childhood friend of Ma, we decided to send a proposal for you but you rejected it without any thought." said Neil

"But, I didn't want to marry anyone" said Avni

"I know, Ma had asked Neela Ma for a reason, we thought that you might be involved with someone"  said Neil

"I never even had a boyfriend" replied Avni

"Yes.  Neela Ma mentioned that.  She told us your history, so we decided to help you. "  said Neil

"What!!" squeaked Avni

"Yes, this marriage was all a plan.  Riya didn't want to get married to me, she just wanted Dayawanti to stop pestering her for a business marriage.   We made the plan.  She was to run away from the mandap, and Neela Ma was to convince you of the marriage.   Riya is not as bad as you think.  Yes, she is a little materialistic, but that is all a show so Dayawanti doesn't find out.   Riya told me about her cousin, Avni.   Riya was told that you were murdered by Dayawanti.  She had to follow the rules set by Dayawanti otherwise she was to join you in death."  said Neil.

"Oh my God, what a confusing web"  said Avni

"So my parents, grandmother, Riya, Naano, Ali and Neela Ma came up with this plan.   We knew that there was something going on with us, but you, my tubelight wifey, refuses to acknowledge it.   So, we got married with all the traditions" said Neil

"No we didn't" replied Avni

"Actually, we did.  The chunni ceremony, it was between me and you.   I even put the engagement ring on you by making you try it.  The mendhi, you have my initials on your hands.   All the functions, were don't with you not Riya.  Only thing is that we couldn't let Dayawanti or the rest of the Mehtas know.   So Ma pretended that she hated you.   She is real proud of you."

"Really, Mummy ji doesn't hate me.   Is that why everyone was acting like it was a normal marriage this morning?  asked Avni

"Avni, get into your head.  This is a normal marriage.    We are married.    You are mine to love and protect for the rest of our lives.  Now I know this is alot of information, but we will deal with one day at a time.  As for now, we should get home,  Bebe and Ma will be waiting for us."  said Neil

"Fine, but your not off the hook.  You tricked me!"  said Avni

"It was for your good, but I will accept any punishment you give me except you leaving me" stated Neil

"I promise I won't leave you but I will punish you.  Okay.  Let's go, the family must be waiting for us"

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