Part 28 Valerie Walls

Start from the beginning

We have a job and where heading out tonight. I Said

What's this job If I might ask ? Blake Asked Me

Where being paid by Asmara to find a Women named Rose and bring her to her. I Said

Oh and did you remember to get the payment ? Black Asked Me

I looked shocked.

Fuck I forgot too. I Said

Blake sighed.

Don't worry madam I'll send someone to get It. Blake Said

Good I'm gonna go rest for a little bit. I Said

I walked down the hall to see a women with long brown hair and brown eyes and one arm standing In front of the door to my room she looked at me and glared.

What's your problem Kaelyn still pissed about your arm ? I Asked Kaelyn

No well a little bit put I'm more pissed about us just sitting here did you find us work ? Kaelyn Asked Me

Yeah I did where leaving tonight so be ready. I Said

Oh I am ready I'm sick of doing nothing. Kaelyen Said

Good so can you get out of the way to the door to my room now. I Said

Kaelyen sighed and got out of the way and I walked Into my room and then Into the bathroom and looked In the mirror to see a women with long red hair pulled back Into a ponytail with a few strains In her face and peer white skin with yellow eyes and smiled.

I look beautiful today. I Said

I turned and started taking my clothes off and chuckled.

Ha I'm beautiful everyday. I Said

I turned the facet to the tub and got In and sat down and sighed and closed my eyes.

                                                                     Blake's Pov             

I walked Into the woods and pulled my sword out and started practicing and after a few minutes I heard someone walk up to me and turned to see Kaelyen standing there.

What do you want ? I Asked Kaelyen 

I wanted to talk about this job. Kaelyen Said

What about It. I Said

Well I think we should turn on Valerie and take the money and the ship for ourselfs and leave her on whatever planet this Rose Is on. Kaelyen Said

I looked shocked.

Are you fucking serious ? I Asked Kaelyen 

Yeah she's a moron and has no idea what she's doing half the time so I say we cut our loses. Kaelyen Said

Fine let's do It. I Said

Kaelyen smiled and pushed me against a tree and kissed me then I smiled and blushed.

Good I would have had to kill you other wise and as you can see I like you a lot. Kaelyen Said

I chuckled and pecked her lips.

So are you gonna let me go our what. I Said

Ah come on just a little longer. Kaelyen Said

Fine you win. I Said

                                                                                    Valerie Pov and time skip 

I walked Into the cock pit of my ship to see Blake and Kaelyen waiting for me I think.

Are we ready madam. Blake Said

wait did you send someone to get the payment ? I Asked Blake

Yes I did Madam they already made It back. Black Said

Good let's go then. I Said with a smaile

I got In the captions seat and started the ship and set the autopilot and the ship flew off.

So how long until we get there ? I Asked Them

I few days give or take. Kaelyen Said

I sighed and got up.

Well In that case I'm gonna go watch some TV. I said

I walked out of the cockpit and down the hall to my room and walked In and sat down and turned on the TV and the news channel came on.

We have news that a ship just crashed on the planet called yap tar Seven and one of the people on the ship was Rose the daughter of Eric the hero who saved us five years ago from the orb we have no idea If she's alive or not. The Reporter Said

I looked shocked and sighed.

Great she could be dead how the hell an I gonna get paid now well I hope she's alive. I Said

                                                                                THE END

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