Part 15 ERIC!?!?!

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                                                                                ROSE'S POV

Me and Z where walking until I head Z stop and turned to face him.

Why'd you stop ? I Asked Z

Before we go any further your gonna tell me why where looking for this guy. Z Said

I sighed.

Like I said It's a long story and I don't feel like going Into It right now. Rose Said

Well tell me anyways. Z Said

I glared at Z and he chuckled.

Fine Eric was like a father to me since my biological father got killed when I was young and he raised me there happy. Rose Said

Well what happened to him ? Z Asked Me

Ok I really don't wanna get Into that at all. Rose Said

Please I wanna get to know you more. Z Said

Ugh fine he went Into this orb thing and that was the last I anyone saw of him I still think he's alive somewhere but nobody else believes me. Rose Said

Wait so he's the Eric who stopped that orb from destroying the universe and stopped lord Varin five years ago. Z Said

Yep that's him. Rose Said

Well I believe you then I mean there's no way some stupid orb did him In. Z Said

Wait he believes me. I thought to myself

Rose smiled at Z then I ran over and hugged him.

What's this for ? Z Asked Me

Your the first person who believes me about Eric being alive still I'm just happy someone Is finally on my side. Rose Said

Um you're welcome I guess. Z Said

I let go of Z and then we kept walking until I saw the cave In the distance.

There It Is finally let's get this over with. Z Said

                                                                         NO ONE'S POV

Z and Rose ran Into the cave and looked around to see a bunch of decrypted buildings.

Damn Yuma was right about the abandoned village thing. Z Said

Yeah well let's split up I'll start with the buildings on the left. Rose Said

Ok then I'll start with the right then. Z Said

Deal. Rose Said

                                                                     Z'S POV

I walked Into a building and looked around to see a old bed a dresser and a bookshelf with a few books on It.

Damn this place looks like nobody's been In here In years wonder what happened here. I Thought to Himself

I walked up to the bookshelf and took out one of the books and opened It.

What wighting Is this. I Thought to himself

What are you doing here ? Someone asked Me

I yelled and turned to see a person wearing a cloak and pulled my gun out and aimed It at him.

Rose the space warriorМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя