Chapter 1: Other Winchester

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I try to be clam as I got out of my car and walk up to the house. I knock on the door. A man with a baseball hat pointing a gun at me. "Um.. Are you Bobby?" I said nervously. "Yes who's asking?" He said still pointing his gun at me. "I'm Danny Winchester. My father is John Winchester. He left when I was a baby." I said, pulling out a photo of my mom with my dad. I saw his eyes wide and lower the gun. "Come on in." He said, step to the side to let me walk. I walk I to his house and he shut the door. "Why you came to me?" He ask me, looking at me. "I need something to kill this yellow eye's demon. She said your family killed my brother. Whatever that means. So do you have something that I can kill this son of bitch." I said, look at him. "Let me call Dean and Sam." He said, pulling out his phone. As he was on the phone I start to have flashbacks of that night. Oh Alex I'm sorry. I should have protected you. He look at me with consider. "I'm fine. So who did you call?" I ask. A man in a trenchcoat appear out of no where. "Cas what you doing here?" He said. "I'm taking her to Dean and Sam." A man in a trenchcoat said, walking to me. "Get the fuck away from!" I yelled, backing away. Cas put two fingers on my head and everything was black.

Sam prov...

I was on my laptop looking for another hunt. "Find anything?" Dean ask, walking to me. I sigh and shook my head no. Cas appear hold a girl in his arm. "Cas who's that?" Dean ask Cas, point at the sleeping girl. Cas walk to the couch and lay the girl down. "She's your sister."Cas said look at us. I stood up and in shock that I have a little sister. "She's our sister." I said in shock, look at Dean. "We don't have a sister." Dean said trying not to believe it. "Dean yes she is your sister. Her father is John Winchester." Cas said firmly with the truth, look at Dean in the eye. "I'm going to take her to one of the spare rooms." I said, walk to her and pick her up and carry her out of the room. I look at her, she's beautiful, her brown long hair cover her face. I can't believe she's my sister. But why Cas bring here? Yeah I know she's my sister an all but why. I found a room that is close to the bathroom. I lay her down on the bed and smile as I push her hair back. I walk out of the room and walk back where Dean and Cas was. "Cas why bring her here?" Dean ask Cas, lend against the table. "She lost everything. You two are the only family got." Cas said, look at Dean then me then went back look at Dean. "Cas what happen?" I ask, look at Cas. "I don't know."Cas said as he disappear.

Danny prov....

I woke up and see I wasn't at Bobby's house. "Where I am?" I whisper to myself. I got off the bed, follow the hallway then I stop and saw two guys standing here. On was tall and long hair and other guy had short hair. "I see you're wake." Tall guy said, slowly walk to me. "Who in the hell are you? Where I am?" I said panic. I start to feel really bad of anxiety attack. "Whoa kiddo. Calm down." The short said consider, rush over to me. I start to have flashbacks of that worst night...... "Mom I'm home." I said as I toss the bag on the floor. It was quite so I went to check on Alex. As I walk up to the stairs I saw blood on the floor and I follow it to my mom's room. My mom lay on her bed with a knife in her chest. "Mom. No. Alex!" I cried, ran out of mom's room then into Alex room. I saw a women with long black hair holding my brother. "Alex!" I shouted, then stop. "Your family killed my brother." She said. I being to cry my kneels to my chest. "Alex.... I'm so sorry.... I.." I cried whisper. "I'm Sam and this Dean. We are your brothers." Sam said softly and kind, kneel in front of me. "Who's Alex?" Dean said question, walk over to me and kneel next to me. "Alex is my baby brother." I said, still crying. "Would you tell us your name?" Sam said softly, lift my chin to look at him. "Danny. My name is Danny." I said, look into Sam has hazel eyes, they were fill with love, worry and concern. "Danny you are safe." Sam said softly, help me up. My stomach growls, I haven't eaten in days. "Hungry?" Sam ask me, look at me. "Do you have a burger?" I ask,look at Sam. Dean went somewhere then came back with a burger and hand it to me. "Thank you." I said, taking a bit of the burger. Sam shake his and smile. "Danny what happen to Alex?" Sam ask. I put the burger down and look at the ground. "I came home from the movies. And I went upstairs there was blood on the floor." I pause, trying to push the tears back. "Take your time." Sam said, one hand on my shoulder. "I walk into my mom's room and there was a knife in her chest. So I ran to Alex room and saw a women with yellow eyes holding Alex. I told him that everything going to be okay. Then she said your family killed my brother. She stab Alex. It's my fault that he got killed." I said, storm into my room and shut the door.

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