Chapter 2

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"Where are going?" Sean asked, cooing at Sang who was holding his hand and looking up at him. Face void of emotion, as if questioning herself if Sean is, indeed, sane.

"At the North edge of the Enchanted Forest." Alana answered, not bothering to look back at his two companions.


"Demons of hell had been appearing a lot this days, especially here in the enchanted forest. Animals has been dying along with the trees and plants, without them, I'm basically powerless. I'd be safer there considering that it's closer to the Academy."

Sean hearing that they're headed to the Academy, sighed in relief. He's sure he has been missing for six hours now and his brothers are definitely panicking about his location.

The sky is already dark, making it harder for him to see his way. Tripping at everything, if not for Sang's hold on his hand, pulling him in the correct direction.

"I think we should stop here." The forest witch declared, waving her hand, a soft grass sprouted from the dry land.

Trees seemed to itch closer to their location, encasing their sides as well as effectively making their leaves act as roof.

Thousands of fireflies danced above them, illuminating their surroundings and it brought a smile at Sean's lips.

A rare, beautiful sight.

"So tell me, Doctor, you never answered me. What are you doing here?"

Sean looked back at the fireflies, " I'm here to meet you, actually."

"No kidding." Alana deadpanned, laying lazily on the grass as she studied the young doctor.

He hesitated for a moment before finally admitting, if it meant helping his mentor then it was no use lying.

"It's about an elder's granddaughter."

The witch hummed and Sean it as a signal to continue.

"She's been asleep for a month now. Healers has done everything they can for her but she's still unresponsive. Her heart often stops beating and her skin color is starting to turn blue." He sighed and palmed his face, "She's only four."

"Who cares? She'll die even before you could come back. Her condition is already at worst and no healer could cure." Alana waved off nonchalantly, closing her eyes as she fauxed sleep.

Sang's eyes narrowed at the two, sensing the tense atmosphere after what Alana had just said.

"What do you mean she'll die?!"

"Are you deaf? She's an incurable case for the Academy. You should go home first thing in the morning. Sang and I will accompany you for the rest of the way." She murmured, yawning as she stretched her arm.

Losing his cool, Sean snatched the forest witch's wrist, gripping it tightly as his face held the expression of pleading. "Please... I'll do anything."

A smirk took over her lips, "You came here, a defenseless healer without a weapon for a human girl who was never gifted. What is her use?"

"Everyone deserves to live." He whispered, thinking about his brothers who had somehow, has pasts that haunts them still.

Satisfied at his answer, the forest witch smiled softly. "She's trapped in the deepest dream realm. A demon had somehow managed to enter her dreams and feeds off her life force."

Sean's eyes widened in shock, never had he heard a demon feasting off the ungifted. In the first place, they cannot benefit from them. Ungifteds were like weeds for them, growing in population but has no use.

Demons and Creatures of the Dark hunts Gifteds for their bright soul that has been blessed by the almighty Deity.

Seeing his expression, Alana laughed. "Who said the little girl doesn't have a gift? It's nullify. None of your Elder had detected it for it had done it's one job, nullify gifts."

Sean sighed and plopped his hands back as he groaned. "What should we do? "

"Yes. What should you do? " Alana retorted, lying on the grass.

Sean got lost in thought. He couldn't help little Ellie, he had never heard of such gift before so he himself, is useless at the little girl's suffering.

Hands full of fruit was presented in front of his face, making him snap out in his thoughts.

He followed the owner's hand and was greeted by Sang's innocently blinking face, looking at his face and her hand back and fourth.

"This is for me? " He asked, chuckling as she enthusiastically nodded her head, messing her long, blond hair in the process.

"What about me, Sang, your master? You ungrateful brat. " Alana tsk-ed, throwing a small rock at Sang, hitting her in the head.

"Lazy ass. Go find yours. " Sang grumbled, staring at Alana with a smile.

Alana snorted and then, with a wave of her hand, a tree branch swatted Sang's face.

Sang let out an angry growl, snapping her teeth at Alana who just turned to her back, faking a snore.

"Does it hurt?" Sean reached his hand and cupped the werebeast's red cheeks.

Startled, Sang looked at the Doctor with wide eyes full of awe at his kindness and slowly nodded even thought it didn't.

She kneeled in front of him and held his hand on her cheek, anticipating the use of his magic. Her fluffy tail swung side to side enthusiastically, ears flickering.

Sean's hand twitched at the growing temptation of touching her tail, or possibly pet it.

With a light chuckle, he healed her cheek, which isn't even hurt, but he indulged her curiosity of his gift.

Pale green light emitted from his hand and it amazed the little werebeast who is now his official number 1 fan.

She turned his back to him and cupped her own cheek, rubbing her own cheek in wonder.

Sean, who couldn't stop his own hand, unconsciously reached out and grabbed her tail. She jumped to her feet, hugging her tail in front of her chest and stared at Sean with eyes full of suspicion.

"Sorry Sang, did I startle you? It was quite rude of me right? "

She nodded.

"But I can't help it. Its so fluffy and cute! Don't worry, I won't do it again. Okay? " He gently said, smiling as Sang continued to stare at his face.

"Cute?" Sang asked, turning around and swished her tail at Sean.

"Yup, absolutely adorable. " He mumbled and yawned, scooting backward until his back rested on a tree.

His eyes was slowly closing in sleepiness.

Sang studied the doctor before standing guard out of the makeshift shelter, giving death glares at the predatory animals lurking in the dark.

She glanced back at Sean and saw him shivering, she thought for a moment and started snapping tree branches full of leaves, not a bit afraid at the fearful height of the tall trees.

She had an idea of covering Sean with leaves, so he won't grow cold but seeing ants crawling from the leaves, she disposed of the branches quickly.

Huffing an annoyed breath, she hugged her tail and pursed her lips. What should I do?

Her tail swished and an idea struck her, she walked to Sean, sitting beside him and tried to cover him with her furry tail.

She nodded her head, quite proud of herself and continued to guard Alana, which she completely has no care for comfort and, Sean.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2019 ⏰

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