Chapter 7

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Astrid woke up for no reason and start punching the wall as hard as she can.
"No pain, no gain." She said, continuously punching the wall while her knuckles bleed.
The door opened and it wasn't Hiccup, it's another nurse.
"Well damn, no one's goin to heal your ugly ass knuckles, come on now." Nurse said.
Astrid followed the nurse and saw Hiccup hanging out with someone else that brought to her tears.
"He was never mine." She said inside her head.
Astrid sat lonely on the corner thinking about all the things she and hiccup been through, not until the same girl came up to her and pulled her hair.
Astrid screamed loudly,"What the fuck do you want you fucking slut!"
"I want to kill you!" The girl shouted, nobody was in the room except the two of them.
Astrid shouted her dear life to get someone's attention, but nobody heard her.
"Get off me!" Astrid kept on shouting the same words, until the girl took out a knuckle and punched Astrid hard multiple times, until she can't handle the pain, Astrid took out a hidden knife in her and stabbed it on the girl.
"I said get off me you son of a bitch!" After stabbing the girl, she pushed her off and ran back to her room.
Astrid heard the nurses freaking out of what happened to the girl, until Hiccup went to her room and saw her on the corner sitting down facing the wall.
"Astrid." Hiccup touched her shoulder and all of a sudden Astrid stood up and point the gun to him.
"A-Astrid it's me." Hiccup Said.
"I know it's you son of a bitch!"
"Look, I know that you're the one who did it."
"Where were you when that slut is trying to kill the fuck out of me!? Huh!? Where are you!? Flirting with someone else!?"
Hiccup's in confusion until he realized what she was talking about.
"Astrid, are you even yourself?" He asked.
"Is that even a fucking question!? Of course no! I'm insane, I'm psychopathic and I'm broken because of you!"
"What the hell did I do to you!?"
"You broke my heart! I'm in love with you but you wanted someone else that was never me cuz I'm just a rotten piece of shit!"
Hiccup doesn't want to talk back to Astrid until he let her push him away from her room and forced him to lock her out, he did what she said and left her alone, Astrid kept on crying and shouting in her room until she can't hold on and cry to her sleep.

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