I remained quiet because I had my reasons and I knew why she was here little did she know.

"I still don't  understand why I am standing her finna meet your Moms." she continued to complain.

I counted to 10 in my head trying not to go off.

" You act like it's a Big deal It's really not that serious" I reply dryly stuffing my hands in my pocket nervously, all her complaining was fucking with my nerves, had me second guessing my decision to bring her here in the first place.

She stared at me with wide eyes

"Umm it is a damn Big Deal I'm Not your damn Girl so I don't understand why I am here!" She snapped with a attitude making shit more complicated than it had to be.

I glared at her briefly before looking straight ahead, Now I was annoyed.

 "Nobody said you was!" I snapped.

" Why am I here then? Please tell me because you got a bitch confused!" She asked looking puzzled as I remained quiet.


I glare at Bryan  with a attitude waiting for a response. He had some nerves bringing me to come see his damn Moms Like is he serious? One I am NOT his Girl and never was and Two I got a man who would not approve of this shit at all! The only time a niggah brings a female around his parents especially his mom means he got feelings which in this case is not a good thing. Me and Bryan can't be a thing, it's tempting as hell but it can not happen!

"You know what..Your right this was stupid Just forget it come on I'll take you back home" Bryan finally says after a few seconds of silence.

" You shouldn't have even wasted your time bringing me out here for this shit it was pointless" I admit frustrated.

"Yup your right it was pointless, lets go." Bryan responds dryly before walking towards the door.

"Yes, Yes I'm here!" A Pretty tall brown skinned  lady with long black curly hair and hips wider than the ocean, who looks like she could be Bryan sister sings coming down the stairs.

"Hey Mom I was just about to leave." Bryan mumbles walking over to her and pulling her into a tight hug instantly making my eyes water, it was so cute.

" Well, Well, Well, who is this Pretty little lady? Hello My name is Linda Welcome to my home" Linda Says smiling sweetly and Pulling me into a bear hug.

"Hi, I'm Jasmine...It's a pleasure to meet you Linda I Didn't even Know you were Bryan's Mom when you first came down you look more like his sister" I complimented  returning the hug awkwardly .

" I Know that's right girl ! Shidd heyy! You hear that Bryan? Yo mama still got it! I might be bringing you home a new daddy soon, shidd I'm too cute to be single! ya feel me?" Linda laughs smiling hard ass hell and doing a little silly dance making both me and Bryan crack up as I loosened up a bit.

" You a mess mama!" Bryan replies shaking his head still laughing before glancing at me briefly.

I tried my best not to roll my eyes at his ass as I focused on the beauty standing in front of me, no lie his moms was coo as hell.

After talking for a while Bryan ass finally drops me off at home. The whole way there was silent, he didn't say nothing to me and i didn't say anything to him. I guess we were still in our feelings about what happened earlier but shit was I wrong? I mean I don't understand why I had to meet his moms if we ain't in no type of relationship! Shit don't make no sense shidd we ain't even best friends, he must really be feeling a bitch and I didn't even give up the cookie yet! Smh niggahs these days!

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