A man shouts, "Can't be on the rink with no skates on!" I nod and walk Zayn out of the rink. I'm so off of this death rink anyway. My tailbone hurts from the fall. I sit down and watch as he takes his skates off.

"So can we eat now?"

"Yes." He puts on his shoes and I do the same. I lead the way to the miniature cafeteria. I sit at a table pondering what I should eat.

"Burger or pizza?"

I mumble. "Burger." Zayn stands in line so I get up from the table and join him in line. "I want a burger and ice tea."

"Okay." He says. "Go save us a table I'll bring it over." I follow orders and sit my sore tailbone on the uncomfortable seats. I look around watching people have fun and enjoy themselves.

I really like this.

(•_•) -(SKIPP loves to have fun!)

Zayn places the tray with two burgers and one tray of fries on the table. He places my ice tea in front of me and the bubbling soda in front of him. He pushes away the tray.

"Finally." He mutters taking his seat.

"Your feet hurt right?" I say before biting into my burger.

"Oh god it's hurts like hell." He bites into one of the French fries. "Fun has a price." He shrugs.

We sit in our silence eating our food. The burger is slightly dry but I ignore that. Zayn is devouring his burger and it's kind of hot. The way his eyebrows rise as he opens his mouth to bite into it. I look down when he catches me staring. Think of something else I say to myself. Bring up something.

"So, you indirectly met my mother." I hold my hand under my chin.

"Yeah." He nods his head. "I didn't know until that guy called her Ms. Harper I was like..." His jaw drops and he continues, "I was shocked. You don't look like her."

Which isn't the first time. People have battles figuring out which I look like. Some say I look like my mom and others say I look my dad. I say neither but I know that can't be true.

"Really?" I question. I take the band from my wrist and force my hair back into a ponytail. "How about now?"

He does a double take, "That's creepy. Now you look like her." I laugh and drop my hair from its tight pony.

"I would've introduced you to her but I didn't because I didn't want you to meet her." I smile at the end. "So can I take one of your fries?"

"These?" He points at the French fries. I nod and he declines. "No." He eats another fry. "These are for people who have good reasons for not introducing...people."

He was unsure of what he wanted to say because at the end he was making a confused face. His eyebrows were contorted.

I try to steal one anyway he pulls his fries further away. "No you can't have any. Don't touch."

"Just let me have one."

"No I don't want to share." He sees a little girl walking by. "Hey do you want a French fry?" She declines. "Okay go have some fun." He raises his brows and we both laugh.

"Everyone can have one but me?" I ask taking a sip of my cool ice tea.

"I wouldn't say everyone." He jokes. After a moment of not giving in. He holds the fries up to me. "Go ahead, you can take however much you want."

I eat a fry, "Thank you."

I notice the way his eyes are streaming with red lines. His eyes have bags. The only thing that doesn't look exhausted is his smile.

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