My Poem

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I wanted to share this with you all. This is a poem that I made about myself in a way. So here I go.

'I feel like a robot at times.
Just following the lead of others.
Not really knowing who I am.
The days don't feel real.
Like they are empty dreams.

I love my family I do.
But it's hard to tell them what I feel.
Everyday a battle with words.
I share more about myself with one close friend.
Anxiety constantly on my mind.

Worrying over things that happened years before,
Never leaving my mind.
To calm my mind reading and watching anime keeps the noise at peace.
Little things that make people worry,
Cause so much pain to others.

I believe that everyone should be loved,
No matter your skin color or religion or sexuality.

Just like everyone else,
I try to find who I am.'

I hope that you liked it. If not that ok. It's your opinion. But thanks for at these listen or in this case reading.

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