"And please don't let any of them take energy drinks before they go to bed or out at night" she noted the last part.


"Thank you so much for watching them tonight"


She then turned back to the children. "Now, my children, be sure to be good and listen to Papyrus while I'm away, okay?"

"Yes mom!"

She then gave them a smile before allowing room to let Papyrus in. He walked inside with the checklist in his pocket before they all began to rush to him, arms wide.


He was tackled to the ground by seven giggling children as a living flower in a pot wheeled around. They were a pile of kids and bones, all laughing from joy.

Toriel then turned back to her date. "You look well-dressed tonight, Sans"

He flushed blue slightly. "Well, you're 'goatgeous'"

She turned slightly red. "Thank you"

"Bye, mom! Have fun!" the kids all called out.

"Bye, my children!" she then closed the door behind her.

Sans offered his hand. "Shall we?"

She took it. "We shall"


They went into an MTT restaurant as Sans guided Toriel over. They headed to the register. It was Burgerpants.

"Hello, how can I help you?" he asked when he saw them.

"I reserved a table for two" Sans spoke.

"Ah, yes, this way" he then let one of the human waiters come over and guided the two to their table. It was a nice one with white cloth over it. Sans went over to Toriel's chair and held it open for her and let her sit down before going to his own seat across from hers.

"This place is very fancy, Sans" she looked around.

"A lady like you deserves fancy things"

She blushed slightly from that.

They had a nice meal, and were simply exchanging jokes to one another. They then began to talk about the weather and how each was doing. Toriel's job as teacher had gone pretty well and Sans was now working part-time with Grillby and occasionally with Alphys as a scientist. Both their families were happy with one another and living peacefully.

"It's been a while since I've had this type of fun, since Asgore..." she looked down a bit.

He put a hand over her paw. "Hey, you shouldn't get upset over the past. He did something stupid and you were in your right mind to leave him"

She nodded. "You're right. I won't let him get me down...especially after what happened with..."

"We'll fine her, and then we'll bring her home"

The lights suddenly dimmed before the walls suddenly opened up and a large patch of room was exposed. A disco ball then dropped and began to light up the room with its different colors. Jazz music then began to play.

"This goes out to all the couples!" Mettaton's voice rang out as he took center stage. "Dance, my darlings!"

Sans and Toriel then watched as all the couples in the establishment took the hands of their significant others and began to dance to the music. Couples of both Monster and Human races joined the dance floor, and there were some rare Human-Monster couples as well. That type of relationship was rare, but accepted. Heck, they saw atleast two pairs that were married.

Sans seemed jittery about it. But the way Mettaton was looking at them meant that he also wanted them in it. He could thank Frisk and her tactics for that. Just asking her out was scary enough, actually taking her out was a little less stress, but dancing with her was where he really was nervy about.

"Would you like to?" Toriel asked him.

He looked up to her as she offered an assuring smile. It calmed him a little. He then remembered his promise, and knew he had to do it.

He shyly offered a hand, which she took before they stood up from their table and joined the others. He then joined his hands with her paws as they began to dance slowly with the others. Heat transferred from both as they moved to meet with the others' actions. They were in perfect sync, and Sans was able to dip Toriel at one point when he lifted himself up with magic.

"You're a great dancer" she complimented.

"So are you"

They kept on going with each other as they soon didn't feel anyone else was there. All that mattered was who they were with, and nothing more.

"This was a great night, Tori" he told her at one point.

"I cannot agree more"

"Would you like to go on another one?"

She beamed as she lifted him up to her face and gave him a kiss. "I'd love that, very much"

She then put him back down to resume to dancing as he blushed but silently squealed inside. He couldn't believe how well this was going for him. She couldn't believe she would have another shot at a time like this.

"My son and your mother, how beautiful" Gaster smiled from where he was.  He wore a black suit with a white blouse and grey tie. Across the table he was in was Chara. She wore a black dress that complimented his colors and a fake black rose in her hair tucked in her ear. To hide her eyes, she wore blue contact lens. Her collar resembled a choker now.

"I'm just happy to see them like this" she smiled at them. "I knew he had it in him" 

Gaster nodded in agreement before eyeing her. "You'll be even happier when we have our revenge, my dear Chara" 

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