The Arrival

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"Hi Flowey" Frisk greeted.

"Someone's bright and early today" Chara smiled as she pet his petals.

"Yeah, well, I woke up and felt the sunshine was almost near so I went to go greet it. I decided to help mom after I got some sun. She let me make the juice" he began to pour the glasses infront of them.

Chara giggled. "Hey, just be sure you didn't..."

He gritted his teeth in a forced smile. "Forget the sugar?!"

"Forget to make enough for the others?"

It was at that moment did the flower notice what she meant. He only made enough for three people, and he still had six other occupants who were coming down! He facepalmed with his leaf hand as he groaned.

Chara, however, couldn't control her laughter. She burst out laughing. "I'm sorry, Flowey! I'm so sorry!" she choked between the laughs.

Frisk just watched, covering her mouth to prevent herself from giggling. This wasn't the first time that Flowey tried to help out Toriel in the morning. The first time, he forgot to add sugar and Wyatt's lips puckered up from the lack of flavor balance. The time after that, he added too much and Alex needed water. The next one ended up with Jenna's tongue burned because he accidentally used hot water instead of cold. And then came the point when he put too much ice and Amariah got a brain freeze.

The girls soon dug into the pie and sipped the orange juice. Atleast it was just fine now. Flowey was thankful for that and rather proud. Soon enough, the rest of the kids awoke and by then he already prepared another batch enough for all of them. They soon all had breakfast and all were helping in the chores.

Chiwin and Amariah were dusting the bookshelves, the purple girl dusting the lower region while the deep blue on doing the upper one due to their height difference. Jenna was sweeping the floor as Zed began to mop after her. Flowey and Chara were cleaning the windows, him being the inside half and her being the outside half. Wyatt was washing the dishes while Alex dried them. Frisk was outside hanging the clothes as Toriel handed them after doing the laundry.

They all then rested after their share of chores. Zed, Alex, and Jenna went outside to go play in the yard. Wyatt decided to watch some TV. Chiwin sat on the couch while Amariah practiced her ballet steps. Flowey went to a table put under window for sunlight. Frisk sat on the couch as Chara rested her head on her shoulder. Toriel was just keeping an eye on them as she read in her favorite couch another book.

Not soon after, a knock was heard from the door. Toriel went over to answer it, only to be stopped by a voice.

"Knock, knock"

She smiled, knowing who it was. "Who's there?"


"Doris who?'

"Doris locked, that's why I'm knocking"

Toriel laughed at the joke. Flowey groaned in annoyance. Chara had woken up after the 'Doris' part to listen and was now giggling. They all knew who it was.

Toriel parted the door to be greeted by Sans. He smiled at her in response.

"Hey Tori"

"Hello, Sans, what brings you by?"

"Actually, I decided to come along with him" a voice rang from behind them. She looked past the skeleton to see that a certain Monster was there.

"Asgore" Toriel glared at him.

"Hello, Tori"

For a moment, they just stood there, looking at each other. Asgore looked rather nervous and apologetic while Toriel was glaring daggers at him. They just stood there, neither one moving from his or her place. It was a major staring match.

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