Being married to Tony Stark Include...Part 2 [Marvel, Ironman]

Start from the beginning

Constantly needing to remind him about speeches he needs to give. Tony will postpone those things until the last second. Luckily, you have them written because we all know he likes winging it.

Pushing him towards the car so you can go spoil Pepper for her birthday. That girl needs a vacation.

"You seem eager to get rid of me. What do you have plans?"

"In fact I do, so we got to hurry this up because I need to take the Audi home after dropping you off."

"You know I don't like it when you have plans without me, Mrs. Stark."

Tony always calls you, 'Mrs.Stark' to remind people exactly who you're married to. It's also to boost his ego.

He is pretty worrisome of you. Tony knows that you can get targeted because you're married to him. He isn't trying to restrict your freedom and you sure as hell don't blame him for it.

Don't know if I've said this, but he gets jealous really easily. You two are best friends before marriage.

Blasting ACDC through the car whenever speeding down the highway. 'Highway to hell' is the longtime favorite since that song got you into the band.

Hugging for at least a couple minutes before letting him board the plane

Don't forget about kisses. Those are the most important besides the physical contact.

"You sure you don't want to come along?"

"No, Tony. I have a company to deal with while your gone."

He pouts when leaving you behind.

Will reassure you that everything will be fine, even though your bad feelings are usually right.

One last kiss before him leaving for what you thought was only going to be a few days.

As soon as he gets on the plane, Tony will send you a cheesy text message about how he misses you. Or something like that. He can be a drama queen sometimes.

After you had gotten married to Tony, you were still against using his card, (despite merging your bank with his and having to change everything to [Y/n] Stark) that he makes you get your nails done every two weeks or when they start cracking off.

After the first time, you fell in love with the medium stiletto nails. Tony really likes them too because of the head scratches and how you drag them down his back during sex. He shows off his temporary battle scars. 

The media gets a kick out of it.

Dancing is very important. It's a tradition in the morning or when y'all haven't seen each other in a while to tango or dance to a random song when making food. Actually not even then. Just whenever. It always turns cheesy.

FYI, y'all are the sickening cute couple that everyone wants to be.

After a day passes without word from Tony, you start getting worried. The longest amount of time without any sort of communication was 5 hours and he had never replied back to your text even after J.A.R.V.I.S had confirmed the plane landed.

Pepper refuses to hold long-term eye contact with you after the first day.

You know something is up....

Any hope of sleeping is gone. At most, you get 2-3 hours of sleep.

After the second day, you are demanding to know what happened. Confronting Pepper and Happy to see if they know something.

In the end, you call Obadiah. Hissing at him to get his ass to the Malibu house.

You make him and Pepper sit the fuck down while ordering J.A.R.V.I.S to lock all doors.

"Of course Mrs. Stark. Lockdown protocol active."

"[Y/n] what is the meaning of this? Have you lost your mind?"

"Where is my husband? Either you tell me or J.A.R.V.I.S will?"

You're scary when pissed off.

In the end, Pepper spills while Obadiah tries to hold information back. He never liked you anyways.

Going into a slight shock.

"It would be best for you to sit down, Mrs. Stark. Your heart rate is spiking quickly and seems to be descending towards an attack."

"No, it's fine. J.A.R.V.I.S deactivate lockdown."

Having to sit down in the end while J.A.R.V.I.S is undoing the protocol.

Calling Pepper out so she can set up a meeting with the media.

Obadiah instantly disagreeing with that. But Pepper does it anyways.

Sat in bed and touching his bedside, wishing he had listened to you.

"Hey... J.A.R.V.I.S. I need an honest answer. What are the chances..."

"All my calculations end the same, Mr. Stark has a 0.25% survive rate."

Staying up almost all night while occasionally bawling.

When the sun rises, you're already in the kitchen making coffee as Pepper walks in.

"You want a cup?"

"No thank you, [Y/n]. Are you doing alright?"

" As Good As It Gets."

Having your morning girl talk with her because Tony is gone and there's no one to gossip to.

The meeting with the media only lasted three minutes. Announcing what happened to Tony Stark and that you would be taking his place as CEO till his returned and that the board could fight you if they had any problems.

They don't bother arguing with you. 

Obadiah is pissed off though. You fucked up his plans. Good job!

Sassily walking out while putting on Tony's sunglasses. It helps hide your pain and no one even knows how broke you are at that moment.

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