Miles X Wife! Reader [Roosterteeth]

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Based on this RT Life: Miles vs Chips & Brandon's Trashcan

Looking at the camera, you slowly shook your head hearing the boys yelling over a bag of chips. "[Y/n] looks so disappointed in us right now." Kerry comments with seeing your expression.

"I mean, should we all be making a big deal over a bag of chips?"

"YES!" Miles screams, trying to tear the bag open.

"Please explain what you're doing?" Daniel laughs, turning the camera at your husband. You let out a sigh and turned back to the laptop in hopes to get some kind of work done.

"Fuck you, Daniel! I'm trying to open a bag of Kale chips!"

"Maybe we should let [Y/n] do it, she's pretty strong." Kerry suggests bringing over a pair of scissors as Miles lets out an 'oh my god.'

"Please don't drag me into your problems." You sigh.

"You open the bag of kale chips!" Your Significant other shouts going to hand it to his friend till he pulls back his arms. "Without using scissors."

"Get an office they said. You'll be able to focus they said." Burnie adds to the conversation as Miles complains about the scissors doing nothing but scratching the paint after Kerry tried to stab the bag.

After another 10 minutes, the bag still hadn't been open but the shouting had died down, allowing you to focus on work. "Come on, man. Really?" Allen says.

"Yes! You do it." Miles responses, shoving the chips at him. Allen grabs the bag and opens it with no problem causing you and Daniel to laugh.

"I don't even want your kale chips, Allen. I'm going home." Your lover grumbles leaving the room with Kerry and Allen laughing after smacking the bag on the ground.

"Hey! Buy me food if your leaving. I want pizza." You shout, hoping Miles could hear you.

"As you wish, wifiu." He answered from down the hall.

"Is he actually leaving?" Kerry asks, looking outside the door still chuckling.

"Yup, good luck with those scripts." You reply, closing your laptop. "I'm turning in these papers then leaving."

"Wait, what, no! Don't make us suffer."

"Too bad."

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