Cheater!Kaneki x Reader x Hide •Part 2•

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Hello everyone! I'm back with another chapter that was requested by TheBunnyQueenDragon 

If you all want this book to still keep going, then send in requests! I may take this book off as completed for a while, but if I get no requests then it will be completed.


You sighed deeply as you sat in an alleyway, your back firmly pressed against the brick wall, your (E/C) eyes staring at the broken device that was been there for what seems like weeks. Everyday you would visit this alleyway, it was the only place that had shelter, it blocked the rain and wind, and it kept you somewhat warm during the night. You didn't have anywhere to go since you lived with Kaneki.

"Stupid Kaneki..." you muttered, anger filling your body. "Stupid Touka..."

You still thought of the two frequently, Kaneki had been your boyfriend for over two years, you've helped him a lot when you and Touka had found him in the alleyway by Anteiku. While for Touka, you had been friends with her since the two of you were kids, so you didn't understand why she would sleep with your boyfriend.


You jumped at the sudden voice, turning your gaze to the entrance of the alleyway you saw a boy with golden locks, and big brown eyes. Hide.

"Hide?" You questioned, looking up at the boy. "What are you doing here?"

Hide chuckled softly. "I should be asking you the same thing." He walked towards you and sat down next to you. "I was headed over to Nishiki's place, and this alleyway is a quicker route then taking the main roads."

"Oh." You simply replied, looking back down at the ground.

"So, what are you doing here?" He questioned.

You sighed and closed your eyes. "Well you must know what happened between me and Kaneki."

"Yeah... I heard about that..." Hide mumbled. "I'm sorry, (F/N), I didn't know Kaneki would ever do something like that..."

"It's okay." You replied. "It was bound to happen..."

"What do you mean?"

"I had a feeling that Kaneki and I wouldn't be together for a long time... I thought we would just break up like a normal couple, not me finding him cheating on me..." You murmured.

Hide placed an arm around your shoulder, gently pulling you closer. You smiled softly as you felt the warmth radiate off his body, sighing you relaxed into the embrace.

"Why don't you come live with me." Hide stated, making you looked up at him with wide eyes.


"I know you have no where else to go, so it would be nice for you to lie somewhere!" Hide smiled, making you smile as well.

"Really?" You questioned. "You don't mind?"

Hide shook his head. "I don't mind at all!" He replied. "Since I moved into an apartment by myself, I have an extra room you could use."

"Since when did you move into an apartment?" You chuckled.

"When I got a part time job and went to collage, the rent is cheap." He replied. "But just so you know, you can't live there for free, but I'll give you a break until you get back on your feet."

You laughed. "Thanks', Hide."


Hide unlocked the door to his apartment, stepping to the side to allow you in. With a small thank you, you stepped inside, looking around your surroundings. It was an average looking place, the walls were a creamy white, the floors hardwood, a small kitchen with the living room off to the side, while you could see a hallway that you only assumed lead to the bedrooms.

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