Time Isn't an Ally [Chapter 4]

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Izazya's POV

Dearest Izazya,

It seems so long since I last saw you, even though it's only been a matter of days. I hope to see you soon, and if I don't I'll kick the guy in charge of you's ass, and then kick yours. So, I hope to see you soon - for your sake rather than mine. I don't know what to say either, I'm just glad to hear you're okay. Do you know where you're being deployed to yet? No one's being an asshole to you, right? You better be okay! I miss you, sorry. Just remember to enjoy yourself whilst you're wherever the fuck you are, and remember I'll be seeing the same stars at night, the same moon, the same sun. At least that's something we do share, and I love that. I love you, and I hope to hear from you again soon. I've got a new address, living with my dad now, I'll put it at the bottom.

My love, always.

Joseph - your pissed off boyfriend who doesn't like being called Joseph. x

I laughed at his note. Joseph, your pissed off boyfriend who doesn't like being called Joseph. What an idiot. I looked at Nixon, who had been reading over my shoulder. He was laughing silently.

"Your man certainly knows how to keep you in line Izazya!" He grinned, patting me on the back. I grinned and re-read his letter. He's going to be kicking a lot of people's asses, since there's Nixon, the guy above Nixon, Nixon's boss's boss, and Nixon's boss's boss's boss. I pulled the box from under my bed, opening it and folding the letter carefully, placing it into the box. It'd be part of my sanity for the next few years.

"Denail! Outside, now!" Nixon yelled from behind me. I looked at him and nodded, standing up from my bed and following him outside for training.

Months passed by, day after day we'd be trained, briefed, sent out, come back, eat, read letters, write letters and sleep. The same routine everyday. I met quite a few people out in Afghanistan, many of them were comrades, others officers - for example Nixon - and others were villagers in the places we met. People accepted us, mostly. They tended to be wary with us, not that we blamed them. We were intruders to their land, I'd shoot us all if I were them.

I couldn't help but think of Joe, he was on my mind twenty-four-seven. The more letters I received, the more I needed him. I couldn't take being away from him, not being there for him. This was hell, and I needed a break.

"I need a break," I almost growled as I walked up to Nixon. He turned to look at me, raising an eyebrow.

"A break? Izazya, you're in the last half of your first year, and you need a break?" he asked, confused. I nodded.

"You heard me, a break." I replied, folding my arms. He sighed, running his hand through his hair.

"I'll see what I can do and who I need to fuck to get you out of here." He grinned and turned away from me. Yay, I guess.

Joe's POV

"But Kelsey, I'm not even going to prom!" I whined as she tried to drag me from the house. To say she was quite small and skinny, damn was she strong! She forced me towards the door, my father watching with a grin.

"You are coming to prom, if it kills me, Joseph Greenwood!" Kelsey argued, hissing in frustration as I placed my hands on the wall, stopping her pulling me any further.

"Why?!" I asked.

"Well who else is going to be my no-strings-attached date?" she replied, her eyes wide. Oh dear.

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