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     Slowly, Peter regained strength in the days that followed. His slur was gone and he no longer needed his cane. He was getting better.  One day, Jackie came to see Peter at the hotel but found him in the hotel’s patio with Heather.  Jackie was still feeling guilty for not being able to tell Heather of the other gift that the spirit had given to Heather.  Jackie didn’t know what the gift was, but they were told by the spirit to keep silent about it.  All the spirit said was that Heather would know in due time.  Jackie was curious and wanted to know as well.

 As Jackie entered the patio, Heather and Peter were sitting in by the garden holding hands.  They softly kissed each other, and then Peter gently whispered something into Heather’s ear, causing Heather to laugh. They didn’t see Jackie. Looking at them so happy, Jackie realized that it was meant to be.  Anything could have gone wrong.  What if they hadn’t located the kidnappers in time?  What if Peter had really been in a coma and hadn’t been able to swallow the potion?  What if Heather had not agreed to sacrifice herself?  What if they had made a mistake in buying the ingredients for the potion?  Jackie was sure they hadn’t. The proof was in front of her.  


Meanwhile, in a cell at Fort Lundi, the newly built Haitian

jail in Port-au-Prince, Ernst and Steven were still waiting to hear from the judge.  Money had already exchanged hands with the representatives of the judge and they were expecting to be released soon for lack of evidence. However, all hopes faded when the Police Chief came in the morning to tell Ernst the news that Ernst was facing new charges of bribery, and that the judge had been reassigned to another case. 

      Steven, who had claimed innocence, asked the Police Chief, “Did you ask Mr. Egorov if he knows me?”

     “Yes, and he said he doesn’t know any Steven.”

     “He doesn’t know me by the name Steven.  He knows me by the name Lionel,” Steven told the Police Chief.

       Looking annoyed, the Police Chief said, “We’ve retrieved your passport at the hotel and the name on the passport says Steven.  To be frank with you, I don’t care if you think you are Lionel or Steven, I expect you to be in here for a long time.”

     When Steven tried to explain, the Police Chief then said to him, “I don’t understand a word you just said.  Your speech is all slurry.

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