Unfortunately for Yahiro, his thinking about what he was currently lacking of was interrupted by a snowball being strongly connected to his face, which angered him a lot and he ended facing down the balcony-like place and toward the one striking him with the snowball.

"I hit the ogre! Which means I win!" Yelled Tadashi hard while Megumi and Akira laughed at Yahiro. The trio had forgotten everything about the video filming and were all having fun, much to Yahiro's dislike, who made a reverence to the business man he was talking with, cleaned the snow away from his face and then curled it into a snowball, then furiously threw it at Tadashi in annoyance, only the snow didn't hit his face as Tadashi was expecting but actually hit the tree behind him. "You missed!" Tadashi made fun of him, only Yahiro smiled evilly before Tadashi was buried by the snow falling from the tree's branches. "So unfair!" Complained Tadashi, and Akira and Megumi just stared at him oddly.

"My apologizes." Added Yahiro while sitting down and returning to be his usual self. Only he was now worried that allowing himself to be this carried away had ruined his business. "I greatly hope this little incident doesn't..." But to his surprise, the man was signing the contract. "My apologies, I'm afraid I do not understand."

"It's simple, Mr. Yamamoto. Since you arrived here, all you have been talking about is business, and for a corporation who speaks about entertainment, well, that's not at all entertaining to me." The man admitted. "But upon seeing you are still a teen who takes his time to throw a snowball to a friend in the middle of your business talking, well, that is entertaining. I guess I can do business with a person like that." The man then offered his hand to Yahiro, who accepted the offering and sealed the deal. "Well, this old man has a lot to do, it's the middle of November, but we must get ready for December's festivities."

"You can leave that to me. After all, at Yamamoto's Entertainment Corporation, it is all about entertainment." The man nodded and walked away, Yahiro then took a deep breath and stared at the buried to the neck Tadashi, and at Akira, while the girl tried to help her boyfriend out of the snow. He then wondered where Megumi was when he heard the usual and heavy breathing of the girl just arriving. A worry-full stare was drawn on her face. "Now what?"

"...Were we..." She began. Yahiro just stared at her coldly. "Were we a bother?" She asked shyly and while hiding her face inside of her pink tuque, only Yahiro took it off and stared at his wife's face while smiling. He then placed some snow he took from the handrail close by and placed it inside of the tuque and then replied.

"Not at all." He admitted. But then she felt the cold sensation of her tuque being pressed at her head and she complained oddly to Yahiro's actions by waving her hands in circles trying to endure the cold. "Only a little." He admitted once again, and Megumi cried because of Yahiro's coldness toward her. "Just the usual, only I'm more used to it now than then."

One Despicable Guy.

Chapter Twelve: New Found Feelings.

"Yahiro! How can you be this cold hearted toward Megumi-chan!" Akira scolded while Yahiro just drank his hot chocolate cup empty and next to the chimney. He actually cared little about Akira's scolding now days, mostly because she no longer yelled at him with hatred, just with her usual annoyance when seeing someone being cold toward Megumi, who now had a cold because of Yahiro's actions involving the tuque, and despite that, was hugging Yahiro's arm while being surrounded by a good number of covers. "How can she even tolerate it? You don't even take the proper care of her. It's like if Megumi liked being teased around."

One Despicable Guy by FriendlyMushroomWhere stories live. Discover now