Chapter 8

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"Thank you Ryan, you're such a dear." I smiled at my maths teacher as I helped her stack her already graded tests.

Sometimes I helped my teachers for extra credit and community service hours for my resume.

"No problem." I say, grabbing my book bag and leaving. I had to keep my nerdy image up. And if that meant I had to stay a bit after school some days then I guess that's what I'll do.

I exit school and begin my walk home.

"Why the hell are we doing this?" I turn around and notice Niall and his crew - you know who - with the sissy click against the school wall. Their hands on the wall while their asses were sticking out a bit.

What are they doing? And why wasn't I invited?!

No seriously, what's going on?

"Don't stop us all if you ain't gonna give us something in return. If you know what I mean." A different one cackled. The others agreed in hollers and laughs.

Interested in what was going on, I quickly and stealthily made my way behind a tree. I definitely don't want to get caught snooping/eavesdropping again. 

"See Niall. This is why we don't mess with sissies." Harry said with a grimace.

"Oh honey I know you want some of this-

"Alright that's enough. Which one of you has been sexting my buddy Niall here...? Well, I'm waiting." Louis said. He was obviously losing his patience.

"We told you we don't know who the fuck that is. It's none of us." I didn't know their names nor did I want to learn them. They made me have a bad name.

"Can we go now. My daddy's waiting for me, and my hole's getting kind of hungry." The sissy paused biting his lip as he looked at Liam.

"Unless if one of you wants to feed me instead. My daddy can wait." I'm so jealous. He has a daddy and I'm still waiting for mine to notice me.

I pout. What would make Niall want to fuck me up more? Or at least speed up the process?

I took a picture of this whole thing while I made sure I was hidden behind the tree.

What? This will be like perfect bait for Niall. He'll be more pissed and will want to fuck me more.

"I'll pass." Liam scrunched his nose and the boy scoffed. Louis clasped his hands together.

"You're all the only sissies in this school. And I'm running out of patience so, lads help me strip these lil' whores of their bottoms." Now you would think that they would protest. But they're sissies and pretty slutty so yeah.

Guess who's showing off their hole's in front of the school building...? The sissy click.

How has no one noticed? I don't know, it amazes me 'til this day.

"Alright Ni. Check and make it fast." Harry says, looking around the perimeter.

Niall nods, comparing my bent over picture to these ugly bum holes presented to him. Daddies shouldn't be staring at anyone's hole but their little princess'.

And I'm his princess so stop staring at their asses!

"I haven't been publicly humiliated like this in a while. I'm so turned on." Honestly, same. But no because Niall is staring at your ass and not mine.

"I can literally see the std's flowing off of that one." Liam and Harry grimaced together and the femboy makes a face.

Niall groans.

Closeted Femboy (Niall Horan Gay Image)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat