Start from the beginning

The rest of the day was a blur. It went by so quickly. I only remember ‘laughing’ at everything and doing no work at all, but getting away with it. I guess you make the rules when you’re beautiful.

Well, they made the rules, I simply followed them. Smile. Laugh. Repeat.

That sounded easy and pleasant enough, this would be my life everyday now, just looking gorgeous and being praised for it.

The bell finally rang and I walked to the car park and waited for my mum to pick me up. After five minutes of waiting and checking my phone. They showed up to.

“Tell your mum we’re coming over.”

I looked down and smiled. I was hoping my mum would say yes. I’ve never had friends at my house before, well human friends. I mean, Scruffy was always there with me, and he counts.

Mum finally showed up. I introduced Sapphire, Ruby and Jade and mum drove us to our house. In the car I couldn’t keep a conversation, the only thing I could focus on was my fingers. I looked at the detail of each them. All the same yet all different. I didn’t realise how long I spent on this as we were already in my drive way.

“Nice house” Sapphire sarcastically said.

My fears were creeping in already. I needed them to like me. I wasn’t going to be a loser for the rest of my life.

“Show us your room.” They all chimed.

When they spoke in unison, it played with my mind. How could they all think the same?

I reluctantly walked them down the long corridor, which had never felt this small. It was closing in on me, as if my house was telling me no. But I continued on, they had to like me, they just had to.

I sat alone and worried on my bed as they went through my room. I watched as it was being ripped apart. All that was me, or the old me, was being thrown away.

“What is this?” “Why do you have this?” “We should redecorate your room”

Their comments swirled around in my head, but I didn’t respond. I just nodded and they continued with their ‘job’.

I worried that they might find something that might make me uncool or lame. But I thought about the bright side. If these girls were beautiful they could help me and all I could do was listen and act. I’d become better at acting.

“Can you turn that damn music down!” Gemma yelled from her room. “You’re giving me a headache! Why do you always have to be so freaking annoying!”

Of course she had to do this the one time that I had friends over. These were my only friends and she has to try and fight with me. I could feel the mental knives she was throwing at me through her voice. She made it clear, that I was to do what she wanted or else.

“Who was that?” Ruby asked.

“Gemma” I sighed. “My sister”

The girls eyes widen and they made their way out of my room. What were they doing? I don’t want Gemma involved.

I followed them out praying they wouldn’t speak to her, when Gemma was mad, she was really mad.

“Gemma, we haven’t seen you in a while” Sapphire said.

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