But only so she can teach them to fight

You would not believe how many foals she saves

But only so she can brainwash them, and use them as slaves

Her reign will last on, leaving ponies in terror

Maybe now she’ll be remembered for ever and ever

And Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship

She roamed into the night, to stop the hardship

Maybe somepony should have warned her, told her to turn back

For the sickness was on its way, ready to attack

Now it’s too late, she’s halfway to death

But she’s still standing, breathing calm breaths

Her magic bursting with sigil delight

As she takes off into the dead of night

And though Equestria still stands, there’s nothing left

The world we once loved is forever cleft

I wish this story would not commend

Which is why I must leave it here

The End

The End

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The End is Neigh (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)Where stories live. Discover now