The End is Neigh

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It was many moons ago that the sun burst with light

It struck Equestria by storm, lighting up the night

The sun was very sick, burning up Equestria

And there was nothing she could do, as it weakened poor Celestia

What could Luna say when the sickness infected the moon

Because it was the middle of the night, but it looked like it was noon

The moon was so hot, that Luna soon passed

And after that, everything that happened was all so fast

The sickness reached Celestia; she burned like a phoenix to ash

Then it reached all of Equestria, moving with a dash

Monsters it created, beauty’s truest form

Mutations of the ponies, aesthetic quickly torn

Cadance soon took over, but not for very long

Her heart broke apart once her loved ones were gone

Bye bye pastel ponies, hello chaos and destruction

No chance of revival, no chance of reconstruction

Pinkie was the first, shunned by all her friends

When her teeth grew down her front and seemed to never end

She craved a thirst, one she could only spite

For instead of birthday cake, she had a much different appetite

Then it was Fluttershy, the only one who’d helped

When the infection took over the critters, she gave nothing but a yelp

As the animals died, Fluttershy cried and helped them to be reborn

She cut them up and sewed them on while their bodies still were warm

With Discord in mind, she flew away to show him her new demeanor

He clapped and cheered and stroke his beard feeling so much keener

Then, with a snap of his fingers and a love-bound spell

He darkened her heart and together they ruled Hell

Rarity ran fast, boarded up inside her boutique

Then she heard a request, and thought it was quite unique

A life-sized doll bound with flesh, pins stuck in the back

A voodoo doll with pretty ribbon and pricked with every tac

She was almost done but didn’t run and didn’t even cry

And with a final touch, she gave too much and buttoned up her eye

The sky turned grey, and pegasi fled

All except Rainbow Dash who was full and fed

She did not flee, but uncovered a brand new power

She could fly much faster by feeding from the stormy shower

But Rainbow was too greedy, and started to play with death

Well, she’s happy here, no lightning near, when she drew her final breath

Applejack, well, she rotted from the inside out

Her apple core, honest no more, when her mind filled with doubt

She hunts for Timberwolves every night

The End is Neigh (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)Where stories live. Discover now