Chapter 2: The Fan Boys

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Baro still dazed ....

EXO Dorm

Suho : Kai ... did you know that Taemin is in WGM?

Kai : Yes. He told me...

Suho : About Nauen? (smiles)

Kai : He can't stop smiling since the first meeting

Luhan : Taemin Sunbae ? WGM? With who?

Suho : Apink's Son Nauen

Tao: Really?? She is the prettiest in Apink

Luhan : She is not just pretty... sexy too

Kris : She is cute... Taemin sunbae must be happy

Chen : tell Taemin Sunbae if he is tired and needs a substitute.. I can step in (laughs)

Luhan : I can too.

Tao : Me too. Me too... (arms outstretch)

D.O. : I can too. If he has a schedule and can't make it to the filming. I can sacrifice my time. (laughs)

Kai : oh no... I won't tell him any of this... that guy is very possessive with his wife.. he was checking her online and we saw a photo of her in a wedding dress with some guy for a drama... he was so angry ... his temper ... I just hope that actor and Taemin will never ever cross paths... (laughing) it will a scandal for sure.. I can almost see the headlines in Dispatch...

Infinite Dorm

Sung-gyu watching TV : omg!!! (shouting) MyungSoo..... come quickly

MyungSoo running from room : Hyung... why?

Sung-gyu : did you know that Nauen is doing WGM?

MyungSoo : What??? (starts watching the program) (starts pulling his hair) No...No... No... oh no.... and with Taemin sunbaenim??? Why does it have to be him.. ??? why? Why?

Sung-gyu : Sorry MyungSoo .. looks like you won't get your chance after all. Told you to make a move. Don't just send flowers and gifts.

MyungSoo lying down on the floor... still pulling his hair with a devastated look... : I was taking my time. I did not want to rush her. I thought no one will approach her that openly. Oh no... what should I do? Nauen and Taemin... why is that guy so lucky???? (sits up and looks around) Who wants to drink??? Hyung, let's drink.

Shinee Dorm

Onew, Minho, Manager and Taemin are waiting to watch the first episode..

Taemin starts fidgeting... : oh ... oh.... Oh...

Minho : What is wrong with you? Stay still... are you that excited?

Taemin smiles...

Show was starting.... Taemin immediately stand up when he saw himself at the tv screen... stayed standing up and when the scene with Nauen was shown ... he starts jumping and lie down and roll himself on the floor... Onew and Minho keeps laughing and asking Taemin why his lips were so thick in the driving shots.. but Taemin is on his own world ... looking at Nauen face and keep chanting she is so pretty.. so very pretty... so pretty... Minho saw this and laughs out loud .. looks at Onew and told him "Maknae has gone crazy over a girl... finally!!!!" then laughs again...

Some out of the way Bar. After a few drinks

Woohyun : MyungSoo-ah, it's ok. It is just a reality show. It does not mean that they will go out for real.

MyungSoo : Who wouldn't go out with Nauen? If they had the opportunity? It's too great a chance to pass by. And I notice Taemin-Sunbae looking at Nauen before.

Sungyeol : Maybe she won't be interested with him? You might still have the chance. Why not pursue her hard this time while WGM is still on the early stage of getting to know each other. You can confess and ask her what she felt

MyungSoo lays his head on the table thinking. With a frown drink some more. Another set of guys walk-in the bar. Its Baro , CNU, Sandeul and Jinyoung. They saw each other and decided to join.

Sunggyu : Hey!! How are you doing? Here for drinking?

Jinyoung : Yes. Our friend here (pointing at Baro) is broken-hearted and needs to be cheered up.

Sunggyu : Same with us (points at MyungSoo still with his head on the table)

They started talking about music and broadcast. Then Baro who's already drunk begin talking. His members tried to shut him up but he was too loud.

Baro : Why didn't I do anything? I should have confessed. We were in collaboration with her group. I should have told her what I felt.

MyungSoo : (equally drunk) Yes. You should have confessed. That is my problem too. I always send her flowers in every comeback and performance. I also send chocolates and gifts but didn't have the courage to tell her how I felt.

Baro : Yeah. (they each pour a drink into their glass, and swallowed the alcohol at the same time) and Now she is doing WGM with another guy!!! (Trying hard not to cry)

MyungSoo : That is right!!!! Why? Why? Why? I should be the one with her in WGM.

Everyone froze. All guys present that are still sober realized that MyungSoo and Baro are broken-hearted over the same girl. They made an agreement to never tell anyone about it especially the two people involved. 

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