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Your P.O.V•

-After McDonalds-
After we ate, we headed home. I was pretty tired from all the walking and everything. I was lay over the sofa when Leo walked in an lifted my feet to sit down.
"Wassup lazy?" He chuckled,
"Nothing much." I sat up and smiled. At that point, Charlie walked in.
"So, I've rented us The Ring. I'll put it in now." He said, walkin over to the t.v.
"I'll go get some blankets." I suggested,
"I suppose I'll go and make the popcorn." Leo said walking over to the kitchen.
I ran up the stairs and grabbed all the blankets on show. I scurried off down the stairs making sure not to drop any of them. In the livingroom I met Leo and Charlie on the sofa.
"Ready bitches?" Leo asked, remote in hand ready to press play. Me and Leo said yes and he played it.
Halfway through the film it started to get scary, and I didn't like it. I just snuggled my head into the shoulder on my right. It was Leo.
"Don't worry, babe. I'm here." He whispered into my hair and kissed my forehead... What was he doing? Was he just being comforting or did he like me? I couldn't concentrate on the film, I was busy in my thoughts about Leo. I think I like him...

Leo's P.O.V•
I was making sure Poppy was ok throughout the movie. I think she was frightened. Maybe we shouldn't of decided on a horror film. But then again, it meant I could comfort her. Afterall, I did have a crush on Poppy. Yep, you read right, I have a crush on her.
"That movie was AMAZING!" Charlie yelled out of nowhere. I glanced over at the screen and the credits were already rolling off it. I hardly payed attention to it as I was busy thinking about Poppy.
"Dude. Leo. I said are you tired?" Charlie snapped, waving his hands in front of my face.
"Oh, um, yeah. Kinda." I replied, rubbing my eyes. I looked down and Poppy was fast asleep on my lap. Aww she's a cute sleeper.
"Looks like she's tired too." Charlie said nodding his head towards Poppy.
"Hmm, I'll take her up." I said, picking up the sleeping Poppy from my lap bridal style. I slowly took her upstairs to her matress, tucked her in and kissed her forehead.
"Night, babe." I whispered in her ear.

Charlie's P.O.V•

As I followed Leo up the stairs, I started to need the toilet. I skipped along to the bathroom directly next door to my room and did my business. Whilst I was in there, I swear I heard Leo call Poppy 'babe'. Oh well, I shook it off and made my way to the bedroom. Leo was already fast asleep in bed so I crawled in too and drifted off.

Your P.O.V•

I woke up to the sound of a toilet flushing and some steps going down the stairs. My phone read 11:08 am. I looked over at Charlie's double bed and saw Leo fast asleep. Aww cutie. Charlie was gone though so it must have been his footsteps. I decided to go see him down stairs. Just as I hopped off my matress and walked over to the door, a small voice called me. I turned around and Leo, still half asleep, was gesturing for me to come over. I walked over to the bed and he jumped up and grabbed me, dragging me under the covers with him.
"Don't leave me, baby." He mumbled against my forehead in his morning voice. Which, I must say, was pretty hot. But what is he doing?
"Leo? Umm, are you ok?" I asked awkwardly, confused at the fact he just dragged me into bed with him.
"What?" He asked confused, opening his eyes, "Oh shit! Sorry." He jumped up awkwardly, freeing me from his grip.
"Its fine.." I said and walked down stairs to find Charlie in the kitchen frying some bacon.
"Bacon?" He asked politely,
"Yes please." I smiled sitting down on one of the bar stools in the kitchen entrance.
"Is that matress comfortable? I wasn't sure whether it would be ok or not." He asked me, shoving bacon onto three plates,
"Yes, its perfect." I replied.

Leo's P.O.V•

How fucking awkward. As soon as she asked me if I was ok, I realized it was all a dream. I must have looked so strange. I had dreamt the most amazing dream in my entire life. It was Poppy becoming my girlfriend and we both had amazing lives. I suppose I had only woke up a little when I saw Poppy leaving the room. If only it was real.

I met Charlie and Poppy downstairs after using the toilet and they were just finishing breakfast. She looked up at me and I smiled awkwardly, hoping she would forget about it. She smiled back sweetly thank god. Damn, she had a nice smile.
"Oh hey Leo, I saved you some." Charlie said pointing over to a plate on the counter.
"Thanks bro." I thanked him and started eating.

After we had all finished, we starting talking about today's events.
"I'm really not that bothered about what we're doing." Poppy said,
"Ohh damm!" Charlie suddenly yelled. Me and Poppy just stared at him, wanting to know what was up.
"Leo! Today is Sunday!" Charlie screamed into my face. I was confused as fuck. I just stared back at him, clearly really confused.
"Not remember? We are meeting Harvey in a bit and then we're hanging out with the Overload boys tonight!" He explained and I started to remember. We arranged it on Monday.
"Oh yeah!" I replied.
"Poppy, is it ok of we introduce you to Harvey and the others later? We are so sorry we kinda forgot about it." Charlie asked her.
"Yeah, thats fine." She smiled at him. Oh well, she'll have me if she doesn't like them.
"Ok, so we are meeting Harvey at half 12 which is in about an hour so I'm gonna start getting ready." Charlie said, taking all of our empty plates over to the sink.
"Ok same." I said running to the bathroom to be first. I stripped and hopped into the shower. I spent about 5 minutes in there and wrapped my lower body in a towel. Then I realized I had forgotten to take clothes in here. Great. I slowly unlocked the bathroom door and peeked out. Nobody there, good. I darted down the hallway to Charlie's bedroom and shut the door behind me. Panting, I turned around to find Poppy sat on her matress staring at me.
"Oh god, sorry!" She blushed covering her eyes with her palms.
"It's fine." I giggled, "I'll take clothes to the bathroom and get changed in there."
She was cute when she blushed. I picked out a plain white t-shirt with some grey shorts and a leather jacket, along with the usual socks and underwear. I smiled at her before leaving the room to the bathroom. She just shook her head at me and laughed.

In the bathroom I did my teeth, got changed, washed my face and starting gelling my hair up into its usual spikey position. Whilst adjusting a few strands, I heard a fist hammering the door.

Your P.O.V•

I was starting to get a bit impatient waiting for Leondre in the bathroom. That boy takes too long for a male. I decided to grab my outfit, which consisted of floral highwaisted shorts, a pink flowy croptop and a black cardigan. I wandered off to the bathroom and started pounding on the door.
"Leo! Let me in now. I need to get ready." I whined. He opened up almost immediatly, looking pretty hot.
"Um, thanks." I smiled and walked in behind him, making sure to lock the door.
"Your welcome, gorgeous!" I heard him yell after. I smiled at that. I was starting to believe he actually did like me. I still wasn't completely sure but I began to think there was some possibilities. I threw my clothes from yesterday off that I fell asleep in and jumped into the warm, relaxing shower. After washing my hair and body, I came out and got dressed into my chosen outfit. I also did my teeth, brushed out my hair, dried and slightly curled it so it was wavy and applied some light makeup. I was done so I went to go and see Charlie down stairs who was sat with Leo on his phone. Doesn't surprise me.
"Ready?" Charlie asked me,
"As I'll ever be." I smiled and they both got up.
"We are supposed to be meeting Harvey at the mall next to Starbucks so we'll head there now." Charlie explained to me as we all made our way to the bus stop.
"May I ask, where are your parents again?" I asked Charlie, seeing as I didn't see them last night or in the morning,
"Oh yeah, forgot to tell you. They are out for almost all of the summer which means we get the house to ourself! But my neighbour will be checking on us every night and my mum left me a load of money for food and crap." He cheered. I instantly smiled. This is gonna be fun.

After the bus journey, we entered the large mall. I peered into all of the shops admiring all of the pretty clothes. Leo noticed me staring at some galaxy vans.
"I'll get you them if you want?" He offered sweetly,
"No! No, you couldn't. I don't want them that much anyway, I was just looking." I lied. Of course I wanted them! I was desperate for them but I couldn't just take his money. I've known him for a day.
"You sure princess?" He asked, coming slightly closer to me, as if he was going to hold my hand or something. Just then, Charlie tapped him and pointed in the direction of a tall, handsome teen.
"There's Harvey." He said, walking up to him, "Come on, Pops." Charlie grabbed my wrist, "Let's introduce you two."

A/N: I've decided I'm going to update every night. But I won't be able to on friday till sunday because I'm in Leondre's home country for the weekend ;) love youuuu

~Just be Hopeful🎶~

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