Chapter 13: Winter

Start from the beginning

"Meh," you answer.

"Alright, well...oh! By the way, Mrs. Wheeler called. There's a party on Christmas Eve at her house."

"Oh, okay. Cool." you respond, turning toward your room.

"Dad and I will take you, wear something nice."

Your heart sinks like the Titanic while you slowly face her again.

"Uh, mom, how nice?"

"I don't know, a holiday dress."

You groan loudly. "Do I have to?" You hate dresses. 

"Yes, Y/N." your mom says sternly. "Yes."

"Why?" you complain.

"Because I say so. You have something to wear, right?" she questions.

"Yeah," you sigh dramatically as you close your room door. 

It's December 20, and all you can think about is the Christmas Eve Party. Now, this isn't usually your style. Actually, this has never been your style. You've never really done this, like, ever. What sucks is you know exactly why your getting so worked up about this. It's his house. His.

You think you'll end up hanging out with the boys in the basement the whole time. Well, what else?

The next couple of days consist of eating, watching TV, and thinking. A lot of thinking, which you don't feel comfortable sharing about what exactly. Not important. At all.

After some days of thinking, you decide you need a break. You get on your bike and start riding to the tree. You're desperate to get some relaxation time.

You remember the way pretty well, and get there in a couple of minutes. But it takes some time to climb the tree, you're pretty tired. When you reach the top, you get a feeling of contentment as you gaze up at the sky through the opening of leaves. You rest your head in your hands as you lay down. It's still pretty cold, but it's not snowing anymore. You feel at peace for now. Even though it's a little chilly, you're pretty comfortable.

Your eyes slowly drift open as you get a feeling of panic. This isn't your bed. It's cold. There aren't blankets around you. You pop up from the hard branches and relax as you see the sunrise.


"Oh...dammit," you groan as you take the rope down. You secure yourself and sprint off the edge, not even bothering to care about the thrill. You jump on your bike and get home. When you get inside, the wall clock says it's 9:00 AM. You left yesterday at 3:00 PM. Yesterday.

You pace the floor, wondering where the hell your parents are, more importantly how bad you're screwed, when you slip on something. It's a classic cartoon-slip. Feet in the air, head on the floor. Muttering a curse, you check the floor for what you slipped on. It's a rumpled piece of paper. You flatten it out and turn it over.


         Your father and I have errands to run. Then we have to help Mrs. Wheeler prepare her party. So your going to have to ride your bike. We're sorry to keep making you, but it starts at 4:00. You need to have a nice dress on. I'm sorry, but as soon as we get home you can take it off. Also remember to tell us where you were last night. We love you! See you tonight.


                                                                                                          Mom & Dad

You shudder as you remember that the party is today. Well you don't have to leave until four. You watch TV for too long, not wanting to be bothered with anything. You manage to get something to eat, trying your best to maintain your impressive streak of laziness.

Time slowly melts away and somehow it's 2:00. You sigh. You should probably start getting ready now. You haven't showered since break started, you really need to. (Hey, if you're not going anywhere, why the hell do you need to be clean?)

You lug yourself off the couch and into the shower. It's about 3:00 when you finally decide to get out of your towel. As you turn on your stereo,you try to decide what to wear. Usually you wouldn't care, but yeah...

After about 15 minutes, you decide on

(A/N: idk just picture yourself  in that dress, those shoes, and that hair or whatever)

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(A/N: idk just picture yourself  in that dress, those shoes, and that hair or whatever)

You're in a pretty bad mood when you're finished getting ready. There are so many things you'd rather be wearing. But your mom would actually kill you if you didn't wear it so, sucks for you.

You sigh for the gazillionth time of the day and get on your bike. You find yourself getting more and more anxious as you get closer to Mike's. When you arrive you put your bike next to Mike's and Lucas'. You try to relax and take a deep breath, but it comes out as an unsteady shiver. 

There's nowhere else you can go. You walk to the door, take one last deep breath, and knock.

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