[2 - Kenny McCormick]

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"Here's your stop." I hummed and looked at Butters. He looked up and smiled at me.

"W-Well thank you, Kenny!" He looked at me," But won't you be late to class?"

"Eh." I shrugged,"Nobody cares anymore, Butters."

"O-Oh." He rubbed his neck,"H-Hey Ken, can we ha-hang out to-tonight?" He stammered and I looked at him. Damn, he was really really nervous. He always had a small bit of stutter but he was going at it.

"I mean, sure. Did I ever give you my address to my apartment?" I questioned.

"Y-You got an apartment?" He inquired and I suddenly slapped my head. Oh yeah. I got it over that small break. Literally nobody knows since I 1. didn't have wifi yet and 2. Don't talk to anyone at all.

"Yeah! Uh, ever since I started fighting for custody's of my sis, I moved out with her to a new apartment in that new building down the road." My hands shoved themselves in my pockets and he smiled at me.

"That's sw-sweet Of you K-Ken. Um, just t-text me your a-address and I'll go there a-after school, Yeah?" When I nodded his smile became soft and his eyes seemingly got deeper,"Your sister means a lot to you, huh?"

"Well... yeah." I paused, slightly taken back by his sudden soft tone. Barely anyone asked about her or mentioned her at all. That's why I've always liked Butters, cause in his own way, he cares about everybody. I continued on my thought,"She's just sweet and nice. She deserves better than what she's getting. Kinda like you, I guess."

"Aww, that's sweet, Kenny. I—"


"Oh hamburgers! See you Kenny!" He grinned and rushed into the class. I simply smiled and started to walk away.

I like it when he calls me Ken.


I finished writing my notes on my notebook from the video we were supposed to watch and sat back. Class was pretty much now over for me. There wasn't much left for me to do except sit there, look at the ceiling, be on my phone or sleep. The teacher didn't care. She was at her desk reading her secret porno mags to her heart's content.

I know I used to do that, but I kinda grew out of it. Since I had to do more Mysterion stuff and also my Sister can not, under any circumstances, be tainted by my own sin. Ain't gonna happen hunny bunny.

Anyway, I was bored as fuck.

I whipped out my phone and paused. Oh yeah, I had to tell Butters my address. So I open my messages app and go ahead and text him the digits. After that, I pulled out some earbuds and slipped em in as I pulled on some music.

Now that I think about it, a lot of people perceive me still as that horny whore bitch I was as a Kid. I mean, I don't blame em. 95% of them can't understand what I say and I don't get out in the day as much anymore so I can see why. They're opinions of me don't develop as I do if they don't see the changes I go through. Stupid me.

I paused a moment to think, who do I even consider my friends anymore? Like a true, actual friend?

It feels like a burden that I can't even figure that out myself.

Suddenly, the bell rang.

Wow, I get to caught up in my thoughts these days.

As people scrambled to get their things and bolt out the room I calmly got up. I grabbed my notebook and pencil, and walked out the room. Time to head home.

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