Update 3/18/18

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Hello! I have a few new announcements to make about the contest.

-A new spiritual genre has opened, so if you have any book related to that, check it out!

-I have decided to get rid of the limit on the number of books you can enter. So get entering all of those books! It can't hurt, can it? 😉

-Instead of having a set timeline, judging will begin as soon as categories begin to fill up.

-If you ever need to tag someone for a contest or any reason, feel free to tag me! I don't mind, and in fact I would appreciate it!

-This is completely optional, but I think it would be a good idea if you added this contest to your library so you would get notifications whenever I update.

-Judges: if you haven't already, please check out the chapter "Let the Judging Begin!". I have already tagged some of you with the books you are judging. Feel free to start, just don't send me criteria yet. However, please send me award nominees as soon as possible.

-Judges: I have slightly changed the criteria, so please check it out.

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