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A place-holder chapter I wish hadn't taken so long. I love you all so much for waiting and cannot thank you enough for tolerating me.

(I'm republishing this with a rewrite to fix a plothole. The next chapter is coming soon if my keyboard manages to hold up, I promise! If not, I'll notify you and figure out a new way to get Chapter Eight out! Thank you all so much!

PS: the rewrite is in the fifth section or so. )

"I'm sorry," I mumbled into Monika's shoulder. "I'm so, so sorry."

She didn't reply, and only kept crying, tears soaking through my top.

Monika had folded herself into me, arms wrapped around my waist and face tucked into the crook between my neck and my shoulder. I felt as if I was protecting her, my body enveloped around her.

We sat in the embrace for the next few minutes, Monika's sniffling the only detectable sound.

The intercom suddenly crackled, and the librarian's voice echoed mechanically throughout the library as she made her announcement. "The library will be closing in a few minutes; please check out your books and exit soon."

As the librarian repeated this, I felt Monika unravel herself from my grip.

She smiled weakly, meeting my eyes. "I have to go now." She stood up, and turned to disappear behind a bookshelf.

"What? Why?" I demanded, flailing as I attempted to stand as quickly as she had.

"Who's the klutz now?" Sayori murmured, giggling to herself.

I stood up, glaring at Sayori, before looking back to Monika. "I just found you."

She turned to face me, confused. "What?"

"Come home with me," I said. "Please."

Grassy eyes puzzled, she replied, "But I ruined everything. Again. Why would you want me to come back with you?"

I glanced worriedly at a clock overhead, before turning my attention back to Monika. "Just come with me for now, please. I'll explain when we get home."

I took her hand, pulling her towards the exit and gesturing for Sayori to follow us.

We made our way to the exit, before Monika gently pried my hand off hers. I turned to face her, questioning.

"Are you sure?" she murmured softly.

"Absolutely," I replied, smiling reassuringly. "I promise."


When we reached home, I had been separated from Monika's embrace. She had taken it upon herself to apologize profusely to Sayori for driving her to the depression and ultimate suicide she would've committed if Monika hadn't leapt from the game as I had helped her to.

"I know how hard it was to have the minor depression suddenly grow into the rainclouds that you had to endure, and I'm so sorry," Monika apologized for the umpteenth time.

"For the bajillionth time, I forgive you, Monika!" Sayori replied. "I know you weren't in the best place when you did it, and everyone makes mistakes! Y/N did, and you still forgave them!"

I glanced over to them. The conversation sounded awfully close to one Sayori and I had been having just half an hour earlier.

I went to unlock the door, taking the keys I'd hastily grabbed in the rush I'd been in earlier in my hand. I pressed the key into the lock, exchanging eavesdropping for unlocking the door.

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