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Sorry for the super, super late update, my computer sucks. Whatever. I hope you enjoy, anyways!

The next morning was the same as usual - a delicious breakfast provided by Monika, who made it a tradition to hum a tune from her game of origin while preparing breakfast.

Rubbing sleepiness from my eyes, I slid into my seat and greeted Monika with a yawn, thanking her with a smile when she set a plate and silverware in front of me. "I see you're back on schedule, unlike yesterday evening," I teased, swallowing a bite of egg.

"That was a one-time thing!" she protested. "If you really want me to, I'll cook every meal for you, including those in-between snacks you seem to have every other minute."

"Hey, my every-other-hour-ice-cream is delicious and nutritious, thank you very much," I said defensively.

Monika giggled, turning off the oven and sitting next to me, leaning into my shoulder as she took delicate bites of her own food.

I glanced over to her. "I see you're still in a good mood," I commented, biting into a bagel.

"I am," she sighed happily.

"Could you tell me why now?" I asked, licking butter that had dripped off the bagel and on to my thumb.

"Perhaps later, darling," she said, sipping orange juice.

"Since when did you have secrets?" I asked.

"It's not a secret; more of a life adjustment," she replied.

"Life adjustment? Whose life are you adjusting?" I was confused.

"Yours and mine," she smiled at me, though her usual sweetness now seemed eerie. "Our reality is changing, my love."

"What are you talking about?" I demanded, a little afraid. "You didn't kill anyone, did you?"

"Not exactly," she said, looking up at me. Before I could ask what this cryptic statement meant, she turned and kissed my cheek. "Just wait and see. I think this life adjustment is perfect for both of us."


We took our usual route to school, following our recent routine of Monika flashing her dazzling smile and me feeling insecure and tugging her along faster.

When we reached the entrance, we parted, as usual, to go to our lockers and chat idly with a few friends we met in the hallway before meeting up for class. Unsurprisingly, Monika had a dedicated fanbase comprised of equal amounts from both genders - it seemed no one could resist her. It wasn't very hard to understand why, actually - those intelligent, beautiful green eyes, athletic figure, loving smile, and coral-brown hair straight from a shampoo commercial were easy reasons to adore Monika.

I felt the hesitation from earlier creep in again. Blasted insecurities.

I shook my head, shoving the bad thoughts to the farthest end of my mind, ignoring everything from my insecurities to my suspicions about Monika's strange behavior.

Mind blank, I began to wonder why my friends had been ignoring me all morning, plus yesterday afternoon. I had even texted to ask my friend Sara how she was doing. She never replied, despite the 'read at 8:06 PM' that popped up beside the message. I just figured that she was busy - Sara was an avid musician and probably had violin to practice or something and got distracted before she could reply - it happened to all of us, after all. But Sara also did have a good memory, so there wasn't much reason for her to forget to reply...

Ack, more negative thoughts! I quickly pushed them out of my mind, focusing on making my way to class and Monika.

As I entered the classroom, I found a seat next to Monika. She smiled as I sat beside her, sweet as always. I felt security wash over me as she gazed at me lovingly with that cheerful smile, and relaxed almost immediately.

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